A man and his dream. (Open)
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: May 16 2004 3:18pm
(OOC: Here is a happier happening during the time of the merger. Anyone may join if they wish.)

Gaar Dek had a dream. Some said he was a mere idealist, others followed him whole-heartedly, and most people didn't even know he existed. Somehow, his down-to-earth way of interacting and living made his ideas seem real. Which they were, as doubtable as they seemed.

Gaar was born on Tatooine as a lowly slave, when he was twelve, however, he slipped aboard a trade ship bound for Azgaurd.

When he arrived at Azgaurd, he was quite out of place as a human. Still, he managed to get a job at a "Shiny claws; Shiny fangs" factory. It was barely enough to stay alive on, he was sure there were some laws against him working as a twelve-year-old human, but he didn't care... His dream was already taking shape.

By the time he was twenty, he had moved up in rank several times and was now a vital administrator, being payed more and working in better conditions.

Now, Gaar sat in his own home, which was more his office of the plan, waiting for someone to arrive.

They were already 5 minutes late. Gaar frowned, not a good sign for someone who so much of his plan could rest upon.

Finally, a small blue figure stumbled into Gaar's home/office, clutching in his claws several books, and wearing rather comical glasses. Gaar wondered if this was the only intellectual Azgaurd on the entire planet.

The Azgaurd spoke first, "My deep apologies, sir. The man at the front desk insisted that you didn't live here. He had to call in the manager, who then taught him about the resident-finding system before i could come up to you. I tell you, Azgaurds these days just don't work as hard as they used too. I mean-"

Gaar interrupted, his voice was deep and firm, "A worthy excuse. Please, sit down. There are some things i must discuss with you."

The Azgaurd took a seat at the other end of Gaar's desk, realizing that he did not yet know why he was here.

Gaar pushed a few buttons on his computer. "Obling Longthought, i have read your works on the social structure of Azgaurd and other planets. You seem to be quite the analysis, neither i nor anyone else i can think of has found any way in which to criticize this wonderful planet."

Obling smiled, "Well i am very proud of my home, sir, and i always will be. I write these books to help my home."

Gaar's face remained solemn but he was very pleased with this fiery socialist he had found. "It is my home too, Obling, and as much faith as i have in the planet itself, our government is in a state of collapse. Our officials are nonexistent, and with this latest rebel uprising...."

Gaar's voice trailed off, and he thought for a long moment before moving his hands to his computer, and pushing buttons for a second or two.

The top of the desk that they were seated at suddenly turned into a picture of a planet, with a long script of symbols at the side.

Obling looked puzzled, so Gaar filled him in. "To put things simply, Obling, What would you say if i told you that you could have this planet and its social system all to yourself. That you could be the mayor of this whole planet, D17AA2."

Obling stared with blatant excitement and surprise, his mouth hung open and his eyes were alight with flame. "Sir, i would say that you had gone crazy, it would be the best thing that happened to me in my life! A whole planet, sir? I could establish my Longthought Socialism and then-"

Gaar nodded his head wisedly, very pleased with the Azgaurd. A delighted Obling went on and on with his Jargon that Gaar did not even pretend to understand. Gaar knew he was the man for the job.

"Nevertheless, Obling, i am not Crazy. D17AA2 is an entirely uninhabited and very habitable planet near the edge of the galaxy. And i, as a matter of fact, have great plans for it."

Gaar nodded, the beginning of his life planning unfolding perfectly before him.

"Congratulations, MAYOR Obling. I have a ship prepared for whenever you wish."

It was all Obling Longthought could do to suppress a squeal of sheer delight. He did not have a family or, for that matter, many friends. He really could leave whenever he wished.

"A thousands thanks and may all the gods of Azgaurd look down upon you in greatest favor, Sir! I cannot express my joy. When i was originally called in here, sir, i thought that 'Shiny Fangs and Claws' or whatever had a problem with one of my books. I shall start packing right away, sir"

Gaar nodded and Obling practically danced all the way home.

(spell check is my freind)
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: May 16 2004 8:25pm
Obling Longthought looked out the viewscreen. This was the first time he had ever been in space. It was 3 days since Obling had met with Gaar Dek, he was finally on his space ship.

Gaar, Obling reasoned, must have been a very persuasive man. Obling and 49 other people were already en route to the edge of the galaxy, to the uninhabited planet with no official name... yet. As of now, records called it D17AA2. However, Obling was sure he could change that.

Obling looked away from the viewscreen and looked at his desk in his living quarters. One datapad sat there, but it was a very special datapad. It contained Obling's entire plan for the grand scheme of his own Social structure, a newly designed Government, and much more. He had devised it all himself, it was completely original.... He told its workings to no one except a VERY select few, and that was part of the system in itself.

It was ingenious, he had worked so hard on it. It was reduced to practically mathematical equations. Ob ling smiled, he was very proud of his system.

And their planet would be purely of its own culture and science, Gaar had said. The planet ITSELF would be revealed to no one outside it... Much like the government, which would be revealed to practically no one INSIDE it. Ah, but the government would still be friendly, though Obling, he could not help but smile again at his ingenious idea.

The flight progress terminal told Obling they were almost to their destination, D17AA2. Obling's own name for it was ÔÝëïò ôùí áóôåñéþí. Too bad the humans couldn't pronounce it, he had it simplified to Teaoc Twa Aotepiwa (Pronounced: Tee-Oke Twaa Ohoota-Paway). Or though he did not like it, the TTA.

Finally, the ship broke the atmosphere and landed on the surface. The ground was covered with a green moss for miles around. This moss dominated the entire planet, there were MANY different species, but it was all moss.

The building of the first city was headed by another man, Brandoor Roodanad. He did waste any time it shooing the ship that carried them there off with orders to bring construction materiel and more people back, that is, after it dropped off what it carried now.

Gaar sure had arranged this well, three more ships like the first arrived within the hour. And the next hour... And the next hour... This continued on for days...


Gaar was at home at Azgaurd, he had made SURE that if anyone really wanted too, they could join the project. And yet, he was not too open about it. There were, in fact, people for the specific purpose of seeking out other people for all types of jobs.

How, one would ask, did a man such as Gaar get the credits for all this? One would indeed ask this, and one would not get an answer. Gaar just assured anyone who did ask that he wasn't breaking TOO many laws.

These people, these requiters, and a very hard job. Gaar had hand-picked them to make sure that they were the most efficient group there was.
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: May 17 2004 10:44pm
It had been a week since the first colonists, including Obling Longthought, had arrived on ÔÝëïò ôùí áóôåñéþí. The capitol city was already becoming a real city.

Overshadowing the city was the Ψάρια. This was the center of Obling's government. It was extremely tall, with a circular room at its top. It was shaped like a pyramid, though taller and with a not-so-wide base.

Obling sat in the top of this building in the circular room. His fingers were skillfully striking buttons on a huge panel. A red light flashed somewhere above him. Obling stopped whatever he was doing for a moment, smiling to himself, and pushed the red light.

A metalic voice said loudly, "sector A2, power shortage.".

Obling snickered as he pushed another button to redirect the complaint.

No, this was not his genius idea.... Why did you even think that? Did you really think that something this stupid would be able to run a planet? Idiot. This was a VERY temporary system that Obling had set up to run this single city as he worked tirelessly in setting up his REAL planet.

So far, only ten people were working in the Ψάρια. They were all programmers of the most amazing sort. They were programming the actual building that they were in. THIS was the government. If you can dishoner it so by calling it that.

Its actual working are too far complex. It suffices to say that the Ψάρια would be tuned in to the thoughts of every single inhabitent of the planet. It would be able to govern the planet based on that. (It will be R&Ded)

The planet was too be a great city, as so many were. The city that had already been established was growing hourly... Looking good.