A Humble Start
  • Posted On: Oct 7 2003 8:18am
Tycho meandered down the dust, people, and various beasts of burden filled streets that were Mos Eisley. He was a young twenty two year old male, having just made the trip here a year ago to find his future. So far, things where not working out so well. He wasn’t a very skilled man, having just a basic education. The only work he could find right of the bat, was walking the streets, shoveling up the immense piles of droppings the creatures would sometimes leave behind. It wasn’t glamorous, but on the plus side it was a break into the foundation of Low government, perhaps one day he might run the town.

He stopped in his tracks in front of a particularly large and fetid pile of dung, and gave a sigh and a smile as he began to shovel it in to his pale.

True be told he wanted to be a Jedi, they were quite possibly the coolest people he had ever heard of. But, perhaps determination and a desire to be one, were enough to make him one. He was pretty sure some of it was biological. He liked the light sabers, if he could just get one of those with out being a Jedi that might just be good enough.

“ Mabye one day..”

He swung his pail over his shoulder, holding it like a backpack. His cloths were soiled, and he had a most unpleasant oder, but, he kept reassuring him self that one day something would happen to change his life, he just had to start at the bottom.