A Day Exploring Tholatin
  • Posted On: Sep 20 2003 9:48pm
Cat smiled as she watched Kamon playing with his kids, she was loving this watching him she was happy to know that he wafather. She knew she would never have to worry about their children he would treat them as good if not better then her father had done on raising her.

Cat nodded to Kamona nd then dropped down into the Trianii female hunting and tracking pose. She found the sweet scent of the two early. but she was gonna play it out. She walked actually more like crawled over to ta large bush of some type of very fragent flowers. she could still smell the innocence of the twins over the fragence of the flowers.

"oh dear Kamon I fear we have lost them in the brush what ever shall we do without them. I loved them so much i can not live without them." Cat winat Kamon and then sat down and pretend to be crying over the lost of Amarie and Andreas.

soon the twins came out to see what was wrong with their new mother.'mommy? we here see you need not cry we alive see not lost.' Andreas then tryed to get Cat's head up as Amarie tried to pull her out of the pose.

Cat continued for a few mintues and then suddenly snapped otu fo it and wrapped the twins up in her arms and tail and the twins screamed and then laughed.

"Ah my darlings I do love you and don't you ever scare your mother like that deal?"

the twins together said 'deal' and cat smiled then kissed both of their foreheads and then looking into their eyes smiled. "Now tell me would two like to join me and your father on a little trip around the city and planet today? hmm maybe a little picinic? some where i'll bring Jaze and you two can ride him if you would like." The twins cheered adn then hugged her. she smiled and while hugging them she looked at Kamon with the purest form of love for him and her adopted little ones. he had not only blessed her with love but a family of her own.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Sep 21 2003 12:16am
Kamon sat down on top of the rock and smiled at the three. His leg dangled down over the edge and he looked around the room. His ideas as to where they should go were large. He'd spent a lot of his childhood in the mountains and he knew many great places.

"When do you three want to leave? There's a lot to show you."
  • Posted On: Sep 21 2003 4:27am
The twins got out of Cat's embrace and ran over to their father and cheering or was it screaming? that they wanted to leave now.

"It's better if we leave as soon as possible." cat stood and dusting off ther back of her pants she turned and headed to one of the doors.

"I'll meet you out front with Jaze and the picnic basket ok." Cat didn't wait for his answer she left the rooma dn the sweet sounds of the twins' laughter.

She smiled and waved at a few of the gaurds. She stopped a maid and asked her if she could ahve the kitchen prepare a basket full of Kamon and the twins' favorite dishes and to have them ready and packed. The maid nodded and told her she would deliver the basket to her and Kamon's room when it was ready. Cat thanked the girla dn then went and got the special saddle she ahd made so that the twins could ride on Jaze and that the tusk cat could transport goods.

"jaze you ready?" Cat asked her only thing she had left to remind her of her long lost friend Jacen. Jaze nodded and then followed Cat out the door with the saddle on him. Cat spotted the girl carrying two baskets and then a young boy carrying some type of container.

'here my'lady the food for the picnic and that container is filled with drinks.' Cat nodded her thanks and then with their help strapped the items on to the back of the saddle and Jaze. She thanked them again and went out side.

She quickly found Kamon and the twins who were playing tag around the steps, statues and their father. she laughed adn then approached Kamon. She took his left arm and wrapped her arms around it,

"Ready to go? Me and Jaze are."
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Sep 21 2003 4:36am
Kamon stopped playing tag and pretended to be panting from the experience. THe twins were beaming as he hoisted them up and put them in the saddle on Jaze's back. They clapped gleefully and stroked Jaze's fur.

"Yeah. Let's go."

He led her and the other three off towards the deeper part of the mountains. There were many caves there as well as an old military barricks that he had spent much of his time around when he was a kid.

He and his frined Radon used to play soldiers there as little kids without being bothered by anything. It was always fun to be pretending to shoot up stormtroopers. Even though Radon's father was an Imperial, Radon was raised on Tholatin. He'd grown up a good guy.

"Hope you don't mind visitng a few spots I hung around as a kid."
  • Posted On: Sep 21 2003 4:41am
Cat interlocked her fingers with Kamon's and smiled at him.

"Of course not, I love to know more about you." She kissed him passionatly as they walked she then smiled as her ears caught the sound of a big 'Ewwwwww' and then laughter from the twins who it seemed had turned around int he saddle and had seen their parents kissed. cat smiled at thema dnt hen playfully told them the truth.

"oh don't you go ewww one day both of you will be doing the same thing with someone you love." The twins made a face and then looked at each other and in unison said.

'uh un not me i would never do that that's gross.' Cat smiled and then looked up and into Kamon's eyes She held on to his arm as they walked she was finally at peace and truely happy. She hoped that her father would love them as much as she did.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Sep 21 2003 4:50am
Kamon laughed at the twins. They were so naive at their age. Cat was right. One day they'd be doing the same thing he was and they'd both like it. Once they go to that age anyway. Right now they were too young to really comprehend what was going on.

"We may run into a friend of mine out here. I'm not sure. He kinda disappeared from the castle complex a couple days ago. His names Radon Mont. We were childhood friends and still are friends. His father is an Imp though. Moff to be exact."

They began to walk down a path and he looked over at her and smiled. His onyx eyes showed no emotion though. Onyx wasn't exactly a color easy to see emotion in. They walked on with the twins in front of them. It was at least an hour's walk to where they were going.
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2003 2:40am
"that's fine. Jaze slow down." Cat let go of Kamon's hand as she ran after Jaze. She stopped the cat and looked around they were in some type of feild it was then that Cat looked at Kamon and smirked.

"Ok andreas Amarie if I let Jaze play with you you guys promise to stay around this spot?" the twins nodded and with Cat's help got down out of the saddle adn then after Cat had removed the saddle she let them go play.

Cat then began to walk toward Kamon with a look in her eyes. She moved as if she was stalking him, she then slowly moved around him and then she pushed him down tot he ground and took off running giggling and hoping he would chase after her.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2003 2:47am
Kamon jumped up and chased after her with a smile on his face. She was fast but he was faster thangs to many years of running around as well as the aid of the Force. WHen he caught up to her, he dive tackled her to the ground then rolled her over.

"Ya know, we're never going to make it this way."

He smiled at her and gave her a kiss before jumping up and running away from her at full speed. They were only a half a mile away from the barricks and he reached them in almost no time. RUnning inside he hid in the rafters.
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2003 2:58am
go after him i'll watch Jaze and the twins.

Cat looked up and waved to Maltanim and freefall. She then turned and after standing she used her Minyatur and the force to run straight to the barricks. she stopped and then after allowing her eyes to just she stepped in slowly and took in a deep breath taking in the room's scent and smiling as she found Kamon's among it.

"come out come out where ever you are." she smiled as she had found him but she was having fun so she was playing like she couldn't find him. Hide and seek was always and interesting game when playing with a trianii
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2003 3:14am
Kamon reached up in the rafters and pulled out a small device he had hidden ages ago. SMiling as he pulled the pin and tossed it to the ground, he covered his face. The stink bomb exploded and filled the room as Kamon moved around in the rafters.

"Smeel me through that!"