Posted On:
Apr 11 2004 8:19pm
I'm going to vote against you.
Posted On:
Apr 11 2004 8:30pm
I hate realplayer too. They're trying to be like Macintosh and use all different types of Media...
Posted On:
Apr 11 2004 11:28pm
The film was ok.
Didn't like the soundtrack. . .
*runs away*
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 12:35am
Go to a public library and use all of the computers to register phony Hotmails and vote.
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 12:38am
And why in God's name are you filming in Super 8? Unless you're some art fag or you're from the sixties...
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 1:37am
I guess I have a twin now?.... Darth Grievious?
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 2:20am
Theren, if writing is an art, and you do it, wouldn't that make YOU an art fag?
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 2:22am
Actually that would make triplets... because there's the REAL Gen. Grievous. Then there's you. Then there's this other guy. But actually... you guys aren't related at all. Because Grievous from Ep. III is GrIevous, and you're GrevIous. So really there ARE twins but you aren't really involved at all because they have the same name and you don't.. because he's Darth Grievous.
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 2:40am
Apparently you are not acquainted with the turn "art fag", Drayson. An "art fag" is a fag that doesn't really make art at all. Instead, to appear intelligent and "deep", the "art fag" copies the artistic stylings of others, adopting popular techniques and played-out ideas and respinning them as their own.
Art isn't art unless it is original, certainly in my opinion.
Posted On:
Apr 12 2004 2:47am
...How original? Like, if your art is within a genre, is that not original enough? Or can it be in a genre, so long as it's personalized enough? Or should each piece of art be depicted in a completely different way? Should each peice of art have its' own medium (A little extreme, but still)?
Just curious.