You two would be the first. Everytime in the past whenever I posted something like this everyone's always concluded that I'm the bad guy. It gets irritating. I know everyone is going to have an opinion but Christ, its weird when EVERYONE always acts as if I'm Hitler whenever I say something!
Seriously, none of you know me. You all assume that I'm some evil bitch but I'm not.
Besides, Seth, wouldn't you get annoyed too if the majority of a message board always disagreed with you? Makes it pointless to post at all doesn't it? Kind of like being a member of a board about Star Wars but not liking Star Wars at all(example, I'm not saying I don't like it so don't jump to conclusions...).
I'm with you on this, Heazure. In my neck of the woods there also exist many rude workers for all walks of employment. It's tough dealing with them, but I think you did the right thing. -Feathers up-
Heazure, you're entitled to your anger and your opinion as much as the next person.
However, your extreme reaction to this and subsequent rant paints you as immature and ignorant.
So, someone was rude to you, who gives a fuck, shrug it off and get on with your life.
It just pisses me off that there's far greater things to be directing such venomous anger at in this world, than some pissed off clerk who shoots your baby a bad look.
That, right there, is exactly why I lack any sympathy for you. You're status as a mother does not immediatly make you better than anyone else, and this "holier than though" attitude disturbs me. It's not your actions that I disagree with - it's your attitude.
You could have chosen not to be put off by the woman's attitude. No matter what you do or where you go you will meet people like her. Instead, you chose to make a huge deal of it and paint yourself as this huge victim.
You're not a victim - no harm came to you. Whereas, if this woman is fired, harm will come to her. That will make her a victim. Whether or not it's deserved is another question, but as I've said without knowing her situation making such a judgement is impossible.
Get. Over. Yourself. I've never had any reason to dislike you - you seem to be a reasonable and normal person. Or did, at any rate. In this one statement you're calling anyone who disagrees with you an idiot. This situation happened to you, therefor the only side you can identify with is yourself. The rest of us may pause to consider both sides, and reach a different conclusion.
And for that conclusion, we are mocked. That's not fair.
I didn't say she wasn't telling the truth. I was saying that, as Kas did earlier, she was most likely emotional and (self admittedly) already having a bad day. This, on top of the cashier's rather rude behaviour, caused her to imagine what may have been an apathetic look to be one of "disgust". That was my implication - certainly not that she made everything up. She probably is telling the truth as she sees it - but that is not neccessarily what really happened. If this woman is fired because an emotional Heazure took her apathy as an insult, then it's completely unfounded and injust.
I'll say it again: Get over yourself. You having a child, while all well and good, does not put you above the rest of us. Whether or not you have a child has nothing to do with your reaction. It does not justify you calling us idiots because we disagree with you. By using your child as justification for such, you only serve to demean yourself (in my eyes, at least). You're using him as a shield against what you percieve to be attacks: "I have a kid, therefor I can do whatever I want!"
You are not better than anyone else on the basis of being a mother.
I agree entirely with Ren when he says that you are being immature and ignorant in this matter. You are looking only at yourself. YOU were wronged (or so you believe). It's terribly selfish of you, imo.
This is not TRF "ganging up" on you. This is a group of relatively diverse people who have all come to their own conclusions on a matter - one that does not agree with you. Granted, none of us where there. But that's as much as a point against us as for us, since by NOT being involved we are able to better see the larger picture.
Just because we disagree with you does not mean we are purposefully out to get you. That you would believe that to be the case implies, to me, that you are unable to deal with anything that does not conform to your 'truths'.
Maybe, just maybe, the fact that a good number of people disagree with your viewpoint means something.
In closing, I'll repeat what I and others have said: grow up, get over yourself, and forget about it. No harm done.
I'm going to be blunt. I dislike kids, I can't stand being around them and quite frankly I am uncomfortable around them. It's quite possible this cashier is the same way as far as explaining the look she seemed to have given your son. Now does this excuse her attitude toward you? No.
Here's another possiblity. There are some people who feel a bit of...distain...against people who are on welfare (there are people who do abuse this system and taints the view of the program for people that really do need it) and it's possible this lady was thinking along the lines of 'if you had waited until you were financally secure before having that kid you wouldn't be needing to suck away my tax dollars'. Again, does this justify her attitude toward you? No.
By instinct you will protect your child and react negitively, even aggressively, toward those you percive as a threat to your child. That being said, we as a human race have the intelligance to temper those reactions when the outcome would result in more harm then good overall. However, while you had the right to express your concerns to the manager about the cashiers attitude toward you, wishing she would get fired for something like that is extremely over the top. She just looked at your child in a negitive way, maybe she wasn't even looking at the kid himself like someone else pointed out: to be fired for something like this could be grounds for a lawsuit.
Now, if she had made a derogatory comment about your son, then you would have an excuse to wish her to be fired.