Posted On:
Nov 14 2003 6:49pm
I was posting on this other board, and I kept getting hammered with some stupid spam block.
However, I never, ever get hit with it while here on TRF. Does anyone else get caught here?
Posted On:
Nov 14 2003 6:52pm
It's an admin feature, maybe it's not turned on here?
Posted On:
Nov 14 2003 9:39pm
Hmm, I'll poke around and see if it is.
It stops you from posting more than once a minute, and I post faster than that here.
Posted On:
Nov 14 2003 9:44pm
Yeah, it is off. Flood post safety check in security settings.
Man, is it annoying.
Posted On:
Nov 15 2003 12:38am
Honestly, it's a @#%$.
Particularly when I'm making multiple posts and then I @#%$ lose them.
For an RP board, where people can put hours into their posts, it's just not practical.
Posted On:
Nov 15 2003 2:43am
I hate that. Thanks for turning it off.
Posted On:
Nov 15 2003 5:41am
It's always the first thing I turn off. Even before adding any forums.
Posted On:
Nov 15 2003 6:03am
It's annoying, yeah. But it makes it a fuckload harder for some vindictive @#%$ to destroy an entire forum.
I just figured that the Spam Block didn't effect the Quick Reply box...