Raid on a mormon compound in Texas
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 7:58pm
Exactly, that money isn't being spent which means it can be diverted to the annexation fund. The military budget isn't breaking a thing, during the cold war we spent so much more than we are now. Our country is suffering under the financial burden than illegal immigrants place on local state governments; namely those of California, New Mexico and Arizona. Annexation would be a long term fix to what would be a short term problem if we took care of it.

I think the problem is we have too many short sighted selfish people moving around that wont take action unless it benifits themselves primarily. I don't know about you Mr. Writer, but I'm willing to take a hit if my childrens children can live safe comfortable lives without the worries we have today, even if I never see it in my lifetime.
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Apr 26 2008 8:46pm
we've spent more money in iraq in 3 years than we did the entire vietnam war and thats with inflation.

just so you know, i have a kid now and am not prepared to live on the street with him so that his kids can live better. i want to provide for him now, not for his childrens children later. the problem isnt too many selfish people, it's people thinking there are problems to fix that are so much easier than our own. the united states is in economic crisis, the unemployment rate is higher than ever, and there are more than 5 million children living on the streets. crime is on the rise, people are losing their homes everyday because of a struggling economy, and the us is at war. we have our own problems to contend with. no im not being selfish i'm talking about the millions of other americans that are in need of help.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Apr 27 2008 1:30am
And a lot of those problems you have problems with are directly coorelated to the strain of so many illegal immigrants. To solve a number of related problems we need to deal with the one key issue surrounding it.
Posts: 23
  • Posted On: Apr 27 2008 7:59pm
The Writer
the us needs to focus on its on problems, not those of other countries, it's time to pack and fix our own shit before our country fucking collapses under economic, political, and social ruin.

I agree wholeheartedly with this, and I can't see how being annexed by the U.S. could solve any country's problems. What gives the U.S. the right to "improve" all the countries of the world? True, Mexico has its problems, but so does every country, including the U.S. Before even thinking about getting involved in another country's issues - especially considering the fact that they've already got their hands in Iraq and Afghanistan, and possible others - the U.S. should focus on itself. I don't see the Mexican government begging for American intervention, and the U.S. probably shouldn't get involved with. Hey, doesn't that sound like another current event?

I don't mean to sound harsh, but the American "I can and should fix everything" belief that seems to pervade today gets on my nerves. Until the U.S. can solve its own problems, it should go to the isolationism it adopted a century or so ago.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 27 2008 8:59pm
Until the U.S. can solve its own problems, it should go to the isolationism it adopted a century or so ago.

In an ideal world, maybe.

Unfortunatly that's pretty much impossible. The economic impact, global nevermind the national level, would be catastrophic. Imagine if everyone just suddenly stopped shopping at Wal-Mart.

There are fundamental elements to human migration patterns. Of these, geography. Again with the Wal-Mart; it's right there, and it's huge... and it has everything! All you have to do is park your car. That's the US. Now unless, to stop everyone shopping at the Wal-Mart, the management built a moat around their stores, with razor wire and sharks with lasers on their heads, the works.

It just dosen't work.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: Apr 27 2008 10:47pm
I'm very worried about this whole illegal immigration thing. If they keep coming, we're going to be in shit shape in a decade or so.
Posts: 23
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2008 12:15am
Yeah, suggesting isolationism was probably the wrong phrase. All I mean is that the U.S. has, in my opinion, done more harm than good by imposing on other countries' issues. They should stay out of matters that don't really concern them.

Ironically, this is part of the problem of illegal immigration. People from poorer countries sneak into the West to escape poverty that could be averted if people here took steps to help. Needless to say, it's a convoluted problem. I still stand by my opinion that a country needs to look after its own people before trying to save others. In that vein, the U.S. (and all Western countries, really) need to tighten their borders. The problem with the U.S.-Mexico border is that it's too weak; there aren't enough patrols or security installations, people take bribes ... it's a major problem.
Posts: 936
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2008 12:56am
I think they should bring back the Vigilantes (remember the big controversy a few years ago?). Except this time, instead of private individuals trying to do their part on their own, it should be state organized and ran. They'd report illegals coming in so they could be detained. Potentially, I think this could do quite a bit towards reducing the problem for a low price.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2008 2:16am

And they should give 'em guns and ropes for stringin' 'em up. Huh, right? Who's with me?
Posts: 217
  • Posted On: Apr 28 2008 2:24am
excellent idear, comrade!