Quiz: What does "Jihad" mean?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 2:29am

Asian people, by and large, also aren't grossly, disgustingly obese the way a rapidly increasing number of Americans are.

Rice anyone?

Last I heard 80% of American's are overweight or obese, up from 16%(?) in the 1980's. Gluttony is a sin, and it kills.


Every man for himself. Sink or swim. Prosper or die. No charity. No loyalty. No helping hands. No safety nets. No regulations. More riches to the rich and less for everyone else.

Being rewarded for work you didn't do is communist.

I have nothing against charities, aid programs, etc, but anything that is sponsored by government has a tendency to erode and corrupt itself pretty quick. Things like this should be on a state level, or even better, on a private level. At least that way if you don't like how your states' aid program works you can move to a state that has one you like.

No tolerance. No acceptance. No mercy. No respect for human life. Everyone fends for themselves. No community. Isolationism. No equality. You get what you pay for. Take what you can.

This is what I refer to. (link)

Now tell us what you think Jihad means.
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 2:40am
Why dont you shut your fuckin mouth you stupid Canadian liberal @#%$ go hug a rainbow. We invade whoever the @#%$ we want and Canada or anyone else can't do @#%$ to stop it. Yeah, that pisses you off you raghead loving @#%$
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 3:02am
Never have I seen a more racist, disrespectful, hate filled post...

That I didn't make.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 3:58am
Being rewarded for work you didn't do is communist.
That's the problem with America, Kas. Everytime you approach any sort of socialist sentiment, everyone goes, "HOLY @#%$, COMMUNISM, OH NO, BACK THE RANCH".

If I were you, I'd suck it up and pay communism the respect it deserves; after all, it's kept the Republican party in business for the last fifty years. Communism is the best friend American conservatives have ever had. Almost as good a friend as Satan has been to protestant Christians.

Now, the second part of my post. While I can respect Kas for articulating what he believes in a persuasive manner -- even if what he believes is completely wrong and wretched -- our friend "Long Dong Silver the 12 inch stallion", is another matter entirely. Speaking of which, what are you compensating for with that name, @#%$? I'd say that anyone who has a name referencing the size of their penis on the internet was the ass end of quite a few locker-room jokes as a kid. Let's call you "Little Peter", alright?

Look, Little Peter, you don't seem to be making much sense here. You seem to be quite sure that you hate liberals. (Holy @#%$, an American, on the internet, who hates liberals? Wow, this is almost too shocking.) However, other than that, your post seems to dissolve into a nonsensical flurry of horse @#%$ and poor grammar. I normally wouldn't make fun of a pre-teen, but you're asking for it. Let's review what you wrote, shall we?

Why dont you shut your fuckin mouth you stupid Canadian liberal @#%$ go hug a rainbow.
Now, to open up, you begin by asking me to shut my "fuckin mouth". Note the spelling; it seems our young friend here has the intellectual fortitude of a hat, and a distinct inability to differentiate the phonetic spelling of a word from its proper form. Then, Little Peter, you label me a "Canadian liberal @#%$". Which, I must admit, is fairly accurate. Yet then, you move into another sentence. Weren't you requesting that I do something? That's @#%$ weird, Little Peter, because I didn't see a question mark anywhere there! Not even a period! It's almost as if there was really no question at all! Could it be that you are, in fact, a drooling halfwit?

Then you order me to hug a rainbow. Now, when you reach grade four, Little Peter, you will begin to understand that you can't hug a rainbow, because rainbows are made of little tiny particles of water vapour! That's right! I know I lost you at "particles", Pete, but don't worry. I'm sure that after a few more years of grade one, you'll be able to move forward.

We invade whoever the @#%$ we want
Now we move into the meat of your post. The righteous manifesto of an empowered American; that he can "invade whoever the @#%$ we want". That's pretty interesting, Little Peter -- it almost seems to imply that you personally have anything to do with the acts of war that America commits, or that war has been visited upon mainland America in any way shape or form since the 1800's. But then we know that an informed, conservative intellectual like yourself wouldn't make such a grievous mistake of fact.

However, I do have one question for you. See, I was reading this thread over after viewing your post, and I couldn't find anything about the war on Iraq anywhere! In fact, I only found one real reference to "war", and that was written by me -- in the first post. And, of course, this wouldn't have anything to do with Iraq, because Iraq was actually a secular state run by a leader who claimed to be religious. But I'm sure you knew that, of course. Or didn't know that. It doesn't matter, because, after all, you are an American, and all tremble in the passing of one of the elite few endowed with the mystical powers of Americanism!

But it did strike me as something of a glaring inconsistency, all this. It was god damn odd -- almost as if, after reading one or two posts and observing a few passing references to liberalism, you put your head down and fired off a rambling, malformed, vitriol-saturated post. Wait, hold on...

All kidding aside, that really is a pretty @#%$ stupid thing to say, Peter, and you should probably drink some turpentine.

and Canada or anyone else can't do @#%$ to stop it.
And now, you throw in the token reference to the powerlessness of Canada and the other oppressive communist regimes in the world to stop the mighty power of the Holy American Empire. Of course, you're right. Unfortunately, there is this thing that some "liberal @#%$" in your own country can to to stop it. It's called "voting".

I know that in between singing loud, drunken songs about America being the only free nation in the entire world, it can be hard to recall exactly what that freedom involves. But do try to keep up, Little Peter, because you really seem to be making an ass of yourself, here.

Yeah, that pisses you off you raghead loving @#%$
Finally, Little Peter, you finish your brilliantly witty deconstruction of the follies of liberalism with this awkward, partially formed sentence; something about how your mighty displays of power are really pissing me off. I'm running out of patience for your @#%$ antics, Pete, so I'm going to be straight with you; that's just retarded, and for two reasons.

1) You actually haven't done anything to piss me off. You don't control anything in America; not foreign policy, not taxes, nothing. I'm willing to bet that you've never voted in your entire life -- unsuprising, given that it's still not legal to vote at age six in America -- and probably don't understand the difference between liberal and conservative anyway. Your country is currently run by an oligarchy of corporate executives, and like it or not, you're not one of them.

2) I'm not the one who just leapt onto an internet message board and fired off an angry, three line post about hating Canadians.

It's actually pretty ironic that you hate liberals so much, given that you're probably going to spend most of your life living off of welfare. Either way, I think it's safe to say we're all at least six IQ points stupider for having read your post. In closing, I submit that you are a mentally deficient, slack-jawed heroin addict. Format your hard drive, unplug your computer, and get the @#%$ off of my internet.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 4:09am
You say that as if his vote counted.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 4:15am
I went ahead and did a little research on our friend Little Peter here. It seems he's one of the mindless anime drones we've all learned to fear; among his recent hangouts has been this piece of digital horse @#%$; another pointless Beyblade forum full of pale, geeky, overweight, sexually frustrated teenagers.

Among some of the highlights are the following intellectually stimulating topics: 'I are horny', 'I PIC I LIKE', and 'HTML QUESTION!!! PLZ ANSWER'. Contained within are a variety of clumsy, half-retarded sentence fragments, ambiguously homosexual photographs and ugly pictures of stupid looking anime characters.

These fine, upstanding citizens even seem to be cosplayers! That's right -- pale, geeky, overweight, sexually frustrated teenagers who dress up in painfully idiotic outfits resembling their freakish anime icons and grind their crotches against one another! It's a real treat!
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 4:17am
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 4:28am
I don't know what happened in this topic, but after reading the last few posts, I'd just like to say this.

Gash > Kas.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 6:27am
I'm still wondering when the OT is going to be answered. :(
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2004 6:30am
Gash denies it, but from everything I've studied, Jihad is a proclaimed and united Islamic defensive "war", preparing to defend against a foreign invader.