Quiz: What does "Jihad" mean?
  • Posted On: Jan 21 2004 9:34pm
Oh bah! It's just a cultural misinterpretation, let's put him back into power!

America was so wrong with doing away with him!
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 2:23am
Rice anyone?

Last I heard 80% of American's are overweight or obese, up from 16%(?) in the 1980's. Gluttony is a sin, and it kills.


Does this mean if I starve to death, I get a prime piece of cloud in Heaven?
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 2:31am
Like the case where this was this construction worker who was working on a line, and he was photographed next to a political enemy of Saddam, so Saddam thought the Construction worker was in cohoots with him. He had him, his wife, and his daughter brought to a little torture chamber. He had his guards hang his wife naked by the legs, then he took some eletric powerlines, and applied them to her crotch for several agonizing minutes. He then slit her throat with a knife. Then, in front of him, and the dying wife, he raped, then murdered their daughter, who was like, 9 or 11 years of age. He then released the man.
That's a lovely story, Kraken.

And it sure is nice that you and the rest of your Republican friends twist such horrible circumstances to make your own political statements by shock value. Yes I'm quite sure that guy is sitting in his house right now, thinking "@#%$ I hope someone in America exploits the brutal torture and death of my wife and daughter to perpetuate the agenda of American imperialism in the Middle East so that one day not too far down the road when my beloved homeland has been raped and pillaged by arrogant foreigners for the glory of Jesus Christ and the Holy American Empire I TOO CAN DRINK COFFEE AT A @#%$ STARBUCKS."

Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 3:09am
I didn't twist it, I was just relaying what I had read on an article in MSNBC.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 3:47am
But the Republican party twists it into an excuse to do what they want.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 4:36am
How do you know that the Democratic Party wasn't the one to twist it?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 4:59am
...Because, perhaps:

they're not in power.

They control no media sources.

They weren't the ones trying to convince people that Saddam was worth getting a huge, shady, questionable war going.

If they are REAL democrats, the good kind, then they should be telling the truth at all times. That's what an actual left-winger does, tell the truth.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 5:29am
They control no media sources.

Er, lie?

They weren't the ones trying to convince people that Saddam was worth getting a huge, shady, questionable war going.

He wasn't then?

That's what an actual left-winger does, tell the truth.

They do?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 5:34am
point one: No, they don't. Well, no major news outlets, I don't count people like Gash, despite the fact that they inform as many people as they can.

point two: He was worth going to war with to ACTUALLY topple and replace IMMEADIETLY with a democratic government. Not hold an occupation, control the government, take over the reconstruction, and auction off billion-dollar contracts to their buddies.

point three: Yes, they do. IF they're doing their job right. There are some left-wingers who are prepared to lie to create changes.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 5:39am
point three: Yes, they do. IF they're doing their job right. There are some left-wingers who are prepared to lie to create changes.

Both sides do both.

point one: No, they don't. Well, no major news outlets, I don't count people like Gash, despite the fact that they inform as many people as they can.

I consider CNN, MSNBC and ABC pretty left.