I've got a few more weeks to wait for Deer Season here in Pa. Hopefully i'll have a bit more time to get out there this year than i did last year. Being a college student makes getting out in the woods a pain in the ass.
"I detest sitting in a tree waiting for some dumb deer to walk in front of me, I'm glad I got one right away."
If only it were that easy.
But unlike the deer i can't smell him coming a quarter mile away, i can't run 30 miles an hour, and i can't wait forever in freezing cold temps without freezing my ass off.
And besides, i seldom sit in a tree stand. I prefer to track and stalk. Its much more fun, and necessary when no game is moving.
I remember a couple of months back having this awful smell in my kitchen. There was a large amount of flies, too, which was annoying. I finally opened a cabinet to clean it out, and inside was this decaying possum corpse. Maggots and everything. It took a month or so to get rid of the smell.
A few experienced friends of mine are of the opinion that if you're careful, and don't make too much noise, it's all chance on whether or not a deer will grace you with its presence.
On the other hand, I have other friends who are positive that the more scent killer you spray onto your suit, the better your chances are.
We all got deer the first weekend. I was on foot, they did the sitting thing.