Today is opening day for deer hunting here in Minnesota. Last year I went out, and felt like I had entered a warzone. Every half hour you could suddenly hear a 'Bam!', then thirty seconds later... 'bambambambambam'. Too many hunters.
This year, much nicer. I woke up late, got dressed and headed out the door at six fifty. Walked fifty feet, spotted a buck. Snuck up on him by two hundred feet, and blooie! I've got a kill two hours into a two week season.
Needless to say, I'm happy. I'll post a pic later when I get my hands on the camera.
Today is opening day for a new grocery store here in BC. Last year I went out, and felt like I had entered a warzone. Every half hour you could suddenly hear a 'Bam!' (someone's cart falling over), then thirty seconds later... 'bambambambambam'. Too much stuff piled in, it went all down the isles.
This year, much nicer. I woke up late, got dressed and headed out the door at six fifty. Walked fifty feet, spotted a sale. Snuck up on him by two hundred feet, and blooie! I've got a nice New York Stear cheap.
Needless to say, I'm happy. I'll post a pic later when I get my hands on the camera.
The point? Go to the bloody store, where they've already killed, cut, and served the animal instead of killing another one.
Takes the fun out of it. And Kas, I envy you. Gotta be fun to live where you can walk out the door and shoot a deer. Of course I bet it wasn't as big as they are here.
We have some big deer here, but more importantly, we have a freaking surplus of them.
Usually they just allow you to shoot one buck, if you're an early registrar you may get a doe license. This year, get this, standard licenses are either/or, and for $14 more you can get an additional doe only license.
We have an enormously over-populated deer infestation here. It was not uncommon this last summer to go down a road and see twenty or thirty in a field eating, and see the exact same thing in the next field.. Lots of damage to gardens and crops.
Kamon, I don't especially like deer hunting. I'll get the license and dress up for the first few days, but if I don't see anything after that I get too bored. It's cold out! My idea of a good time doesn't include sitting in a deer stand for hours on end while half-frozen. Partridge hunting, that I enjoy more. Get a friend, go shoot a few, run the dog to death, always great fun.