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Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Jan 25 2006 1:50pm
Samantha Koortyn
Hey Taja, is Opeth any good?

They're definitely worth checking out, yeah, unless you're only into fast guitars and constant blastbeats, in which case you should steer clear. I haven't heard their newest album (and most likely won't), but their earlier material is much heavier than their later releases, which are far more listener-friendly. "Damnation" is without a doubt their mellowest album -- all clean vocals, lots of acoustic guitars -- and some argue that the band is better off sticking to that style of sound, because in all honesty, Mikael has an amazing singing voice. For starters though, try and get a hold of "My Arms, Your Hearse," as it includes a balance of both acoustics and heaviness. Good album.
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2006 3:59pm
Thanks, I will do that :]