Posted On:
May 12 2004 1:44am
Ok...this one is not SW in the least...but I am so happy with it that I don't care ;)
-Nature Walker-
Posted On:
Jun 20 2004 9:32pm
*feels poked*
Um, well, you can upload images directly to the board.
Posted On:
Jun 20 2004 9:36pm
I show off my art to more then one board, so I upload them to a central site.
Posted On:
Jun 21 2004 1:08am
Cool, I like it. Especially the Skrakions.
Posted On:
Jul 21 2004 1:37am
This one I've been working on off and on...finally got it finished. It's Trazu...well an image of him in the mirror (hense why his bracelet and sword are in/on the wrong hands in this pic). This pic is representive of him much earlier on in his storyline (long before the RP I am doing here started), when he hated the rage that made him kill and feared what it could do to his soul.
Edit: ARGH! *fights with coding* Do we have to use this stupid MS Wordish Reply box!?
Posted On:
Jul 21 2004 10:09pm
Fixed *wonders how that stupid 'font size' bit got in there* Stupid...MS Wordish...Reply box...
Posted On:
Aug 1 2004 3:19am
I think I'll shock people this time...
-ZAP!- As they say there's a first time for everything ;). (BTW...that's not Trazu. It's someone related to him though...only...older...much older :P :D )