You're in the Air Force!?! THAT IS FREAKIN' AWSOME!
How hard is it? Becuase i've been thinkign that after high school i may want to join the military (and fighter planes have laways been my calling) and i'm thinkign of the Air Force.
But, its just a dream, it probobly won't come true.
It's not that hard, once you make it past Basic at least(which has become a lot harder since I went though it...). Just don't do anything stupid and respect your superiors and such. Depends on what job you get too: I work a 'behind the desk' job, so I can't really tell you much more.
just call up your local airforce recruiting office and ask where your sister is located. 9 out of 10 times you will get the answer along with an address, email, and phone number.