Off to download the demo. Itar informs me it's good.
Left 4 Dead
Downloading now.
Got my ass handed to me several times. Those are some crazy fast zombies.
I tried it out just for about 10 minutes, plan on playing through the 2 levels at some point tonight. We should organize a co-op sometime.
Yeah, sure. What's your gamertag? Mine is isjhe.
Any good?
The demo's damn good; plus despite it being a demo there are some very freaky parts in the game.
Is it a game that relies on co-op, or is it good single player as well? I can see this game falling short in one aspect or the other, but hope that isn't the case. Granted co-op would rock, and you can't get better than a human player, but for those of us who can't get onto Xbox Live for the moment, is it worth looking at for the SP aspect?
For those who have played co-op, what are you thoughts?
For those who have played co-op, what are you thoughts?
I haven't gotten the chance to play it, had a busy few days. All I've done is try out 10 minutes of single player.