Everyone is tired of your shit, shit, and more shit, so cut the shit, really, we are tired of your shit, no one else cares about your shit, so cut the shit cause no one else does this shit. ;)
Judging Other People's Music
Everyone is tired of your shit, shit, and more shit, so cut the shit, really, we are tired of your shit, no one else cares about your shit, so cut the shit cause no one else does this shit. ;)
*yellow flag comes in*
Ref: Unsportsmen-like conduct: Intentional, yet lousy mockery.
Also, we have a personal foul for listing of same noun in the form of a series. Thats a 30 post penalty.
*Another Yellow Flag comes in*
The Penalty is overruled by the top brass. Also the referee is dismissed from his post.
The Penalty is overruled by the top brass. Also the referee is dismissed from his post.
*kills both Kraken and Demos, and buries them under a pile of shit*
*Is glad his name is Deimos on Demos, just in case there is intentional editing on the play, Jade sid Demos and Kraken*
See what kind of influence rap music is having on people? ;)
No that was the influence of britney spears. Listening to her records lowers your IQ severely. Resulting in Dumb Blonde Syndrome.
This is true.
*kills Deimos and buries him with them under the shit*
Take that, smart asses!
*jumps up and down on pile in chest high fishing boots*
*kills Deimos and buries him with them under the shit*
Take that, smart asses!
*jumps up and down on pile in chest high fishing boots*