I am a moron.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Nov 30 2005 10:28pm
Microsoft is loosing money on the 360 units themselves, they'll make money off of the games.

WTF? People are clearing willing to pay a premium for these things... what kind of management decision is that?
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 12:13am
The decision of 'We don't want to chase off the norms'?

You seem to fail to realize it is a minority that is doing this 'Pay $1000 for a 360' thing. Most were smart enough to ORDER THEM FOR THE REGULAR COST. Tools :P
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 12:36am
Well, you only buy your Xbox once. You (and by You I mean people like Me) tend to buy lots of games and controllers. If a lot of people have their system then a lot of people will buy the games, so it makes sense to take a bit of a loss on the system at first. Eventually fabrication costs will go down and Microsoft won't loose as much money on the 360.

Actually, I think Microsoft is still loosing money on the original Xbox. There's no way it costs them less than $150 to manufacture that system. It's got the equivalent of a $400 PC under the hood. The 360's got two grand worth of PC components in there easy. It probably doesn't cost two grand for MS, but it would for you or I.

Itar, Nintendo is clearly shooting for the casual and non-gamer market. I could see my Grandmother playing the Revolution, and that's saying a lot. If they can get some more mature games ala RE4 or a kind of Jedi Knight III they'll grab market share.

The Dreamcast failed because of Sony's hype machine. Sony all but lied about what the PS2 could do -- they promised PS3 quality graphics and... other lies. Pity they couldn't deliver. The Dreamcast still has great graphics, imagine what it would be putting out now after the devs had a few years to get used to it...

Anyway, I plan on buying a 360 some day and most definitely a Revolution. Maybe a PS3, but probably not. I've never been a Playstation fan.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 1:09am
I'll most likely get a 360 and maybe a PS3 someday. But I cannot see me getting a Revolution. It's for the very fact it's aimed for the 'Casual Gamer'. I'm not a casual gamer. I want my games to be long and challenging. Games like Jed Academy I beat in an afternoon and games like the new Mario games make me want to vomit :P

*shrugs* But that's just me. 360 has the cool shooters and horror games that give me the gore that my want of violence screams for. And the PS3 has the RPGs that just... well RPGs are RPGs! :D
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 1:37am
I'm hopefully will be back stateside in mid January, but don't be surprised if it's not until Febuary, considering this is the military we are talking about. :P Depending on whether or not I get an X-Box 360, I may throw in Munch's Oddessy (the one sole game I got for the X-Box) for free.

Anyways I know I am getting the PS3 for sure, X-Box 360 is a maybe: depends on how many more games they come out with that'll catch my interest (so far just one: Kamera: Warrior of the Elements...or something like that).

Nintendo...I'm really iffy about. Their controller makes me go 'WTF' and the box itself doesn't look as sweet as the PS3 or X-Box 360. It reminds me of something...something....evil, but can't put my finger on it. Plus I guess you could say I have yet to forgive Nintendo for 'Cellda' *shudder*.

What I also have to consider though, is that I barely play any console games now-a-days. Before I used to beat games like crazy, but now I'm lucky if I even play it a couple of hours. Reason: online computer gaming, with the likes of SWG and EQ2 and in the future: Pirates of the Burning Sea. I'm even researching to see about building a new computer to handle the latest and greatest (the one I have now barely runs EQ2).
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 2:52am
I most certainly will not be buying an XBOX360. I may take advantadge of its release to pick up a used XBOX on the cheap, just to play KOTOR and HALO and whatnot...

But I'm not a gamer, and will never be able to justify $500 on a console. The most I'll pay is $200, and that's a stretch.
Posts: 343
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 4:56am
thats better then me. i'll only pay 80 bucks, used system's are the way to go.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 8:21am
WTF... You obviously have a computer...

I don't see why anyone with a computer would play console games... save for an uber-shitty machine.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 2:44pm
I've always been a Nintendo fan. My Gamecube always got more playtime than my Xbox since it has better party games. I've had a decent enough PC for single player gaming, so party is what I use my console's for. Now that I'm using a laptop without a good graphics card I'm moving more toward console gaming. I could build a kicking gaming PC for ~900, or I can spend ~900 on a 360, HDTV and a few games. *shrug*

We'll see how it turns out. Nintendo's got my money already, that controller is the coolest thing since sliced bread. I can't even imagine how awesome it would be to play some hack'n'slash RPG on there. Nintendo may flop like Sega did with the Dreamcast, but it'll probably only be in the US. Japan has always been Nintendo crazy, and they're going to go ape over this.
Posts: 691
  • Posted On: Dec 1 2005 8:18pm
'Just saw something on the news about the Xbox 360 needing special attachments that weren't sold with it in the cheapie "doesn't come with 2-games" packs. Plus, some are breaking down. Any more info you guys got 'bout that?