I'm going to have to say Winston Churchill. He had flaws, addmittedly, and was not described as a kind or gentle soul in the least, but he still had the strength of character and will to successfully resist the encroaching Axis forces for two years, until the United States of America was finally forced into the war.
Many don't like Churchill, perhaps his stance on Imperialism, perhaps his moral fiber, but despite these, I still believe him to be a hero of Britan and a great leader in the world.
I was raised to consider all races equal, and onlyt hold my dislikes for certain people, not races. There is always someone in every race I do not like, even white girls like me. They believe they are better than everyone else. Or at least at my high school they did, because their parents could afford designer clothes and mine couldnt. So what? Big fragging deal.
Anyways, I wasnt raised like that, and I think that Lincoln freeing the slaves was a great thing, as it shows us, no matter the race, what had happened to our ancestors.