I just read Michael Moore's latest book, and I have to say:
This man is more like Gash then any other man I have ever met, read of, heard of, or been within a thousand miles of.
I implore everyone to buy and read the book, because:
A) he backs up every thing he says with multiple media sources, carefully foot-noted.
B) He explaines, quite clearly, why Bush is indeed an evil man not fit for presidency (Hell, the Galactic Coalition would have dealt with the situation better) and how the war is quite clearly wrong. And not just in opinions, he tells you things that have happened and that have been said and you can clearly see for yourself he is right.
C) He explaines that Right-wing politicians are dying out, because America is definetly getting more Liberal in opinions (And will soon join us Canadians in being good people), and that's the sort of thing I like to hear being explained properly.
D) He suggests Oprah for president and is dead serious.
This man is more like Gash then any other man I have ever met, read of, heard of, or been within a thousand miles of.
I implore everyone to buy and read the book, because:
A) he backs up every thing he says with multiple media sources, carefully foot-noted.
B) He explaines, quite clearly, why Bush is indeed an evil man not fit for presidency (Hell, the Galactic Coalition would have dealt with the situation better) and how the war is quite clearly wrong. And not just in opinions, he tells you things that have happened and that have been said and you can clearly see for yourself he is right.
C) He explaines that Right-wing politicians are dying out, because America is definetly getting more Liberal in opinions (And will soon join us Canadians in being good people), and that's the sort of thing I like to hear being explained properly.
D) He suggests Oprah for president and is dead serious.