Stop hijacking my thread. All Hitler talk, for or against, can be taken and shoved in the darkest, dankest of holes.
Hilter was a human. Case in point, nothing he did was special compared against the history, recorded and otherwise, that details our great human experience.
Hilter never made more then 3000 posts on TRF. Neither did any of your ancestors. So they lived and died... My grandfather dodged.
Slaughters have happened throughout time. Hitler is just one a bit more wide known than some others. My opinion of Hitler as an Orator and Political genius along with financial is that he took a bankrupt nation, and made it a super power.
And he himself had truly no employment or skills to speak of before it.
Hitler IMO is truly the display of how in democracy one man with the right will can go from below all the way to the top ;)