We got to pick our orders for our duty station/boat today. I'll be heading to Kings Bay, Georgia next January after a few weeks of leave for the holidays following my graduation (finally) from sub school(s) in Connecticut (for the 99% of you that didn't know where I am right now).
I'll be on the USS Wyoming. That's an SSBN of the Ohio class. It's a relatively newer boat commissioned in 1996. Other than that I really don't know shit about it because I just found out that's where I'll be heading today. I'll let you know how it is next year.
Worry not, it won't be long before my rise to Grand Admiral and, inevitably, Emperor.
From Wikipedia: "The United States Navy confirms that Wyoming was conducting sea trials off the coast of Long Island, New York during the evening of 17 July 1996, but had nothing to do with the loss of TWA Flight 800."
On an unrelated note, it looks like the Wyoming is the 2nd newest boomer (SSBN) next to the Louisiana. Good to know that at least my boat won't be too run down. Some of them are much much older.
And yes, SSBNs/Tridents/Boomers are based only out of Washington and Georgia.