Not really. Many christian 'leaders' indicate that ones relationship with god is unique to that individual. So, he probably believes in Jesus, just in his own, special and limited way...
Besides, all Christains are at least a little retarded. It's the common trend. Same goes to anyone who subscribes to a 'religion' imho.
You know, I find this whole thing highly amusing, primarily if someone of atheistic standing and the other of the extremely religious variant. Mind you, I speak out of being in my own little faction I like to call: Both Sides STFU. To be quite honest I grow weary of the blind rantings of those so religious they do or say things that do not make a bit of sense. And as for atheists? Shut the hell up as well. I was an angry, jaded atheist for some time but I've slid into a state of agnosticism and for some reason I don't really get angry anymore, well at least not angry as long as one of those two types don't start gibbering on about the wonder of God or ridicules some pointless religious text that was man made. When will both sides learn to give it a rest? They both seem so damn smug in their beliefs and ideals that it makes me sick.
Here's some fun little observations and comments: 1. Some people need something to believe in, quit trying to rip their damn sense of reality out from under them as long as they're not trying to burn someone at the stake or harm others.
2. Some people don't need God, so leave them alone and let them be happy in their own reality they have carved.
3. Both extremes are highly obnoxious and smug to the point of wanting to beat their heads in with a tack hammer, at least to me.
4. Yet again, both sides, shut up. None of us in the middle care. We want to live our lives by how we interpret things so quit trying to push your ideal down our and each other's throats.
5. Yes, people are retarded, all of them, not just christians. Its a natural defense against the harsh realities of the world. Leave them be, they'll only hurt themselves otherwise.
6. God alone is a concept that some people need for God is man made and exists only as long as people believe in God. If you don't like it, stop believing and quit irritating other people. If you like it, believe and also quit irritating other people, some don't need God.
7. The extremes shouldn't talk to eachother, its gives everyone else a headache.
8. Yes, religion is a silly thing, but then again so is atheism. Who cares really? I don't. Maybe there's a God, maybe there isn't, but what I know is that it really doesn't matter in the end because if there is, God doesn't get involved in humanity because we are waaaaay too messed up in the head and if there isn't, so what? Humanity is still messed up so shut up and keep tyring to survive this mad world.
There, I've said my part, hope this is found amusing if anything else besides a small view into my psyche and maybe a view of common sense in a world with too damn many overly opinionated extremes. :p
So says Estro Sabrino, Self-declared Pope of Agnosticism
By the way, I'm a Gnostic Atheist ... not an Agnostic Atheist, so whatever moral high ground your trying to perch yourself up on by declaring that you don't get as angry becuase of it anymore... not really making any sense to me. There's that and frankly, you don't know my Ex and the type of arguments we get into, nor the convo leading up to this point. This was just the meat and potatoes of it... I've had worse laying in bed next to her while she's reading the bible.
Eh, I posted in observation and comment. And I've had my share of conversation with very religious ppl so I realize what they can be like. Still, it all gets old after a while and I'll admit a hypocrisy in the fact that I do get irate, but that's better than getting as angry as I used to get. None the less, I've said my peace and shall say no more. Good day, evening, or whatever.