Not at all funny.
AIM conversations
kind of sickening if you ask me.
Hey Kach do you really have all of the R&D's for the Coalition with links? If so give me a holla over PM, I'm much to lazy to do one myself.
No, I have printed out copys of them. I have a link set of Imperial ones i did last night, but I coudl make you a coalition one for say... Bandomeer.
I have no R&D powers!
sickening??? This is Kraken's mind at work....
or play?
or play?
Looks like play to me. Work is usually unlikable. He seems to enjoy this, and I doubt the pay exists.
As long as I get one person splitting their sides with laughter and one person puking their guts out, then I'm happy and entertained.
boys are so gross.
I'll sing the doom snog now.
... doom doom doomie doom doomie doom....
I'll sing the doom snog now.
... doom doom doomie doom doomie doom....