1st or 3rd Person?
Posts: 43
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 2:21am
First person gets annoying. Too many "I"s and "Me"s. I tried first person once, and it didn't work, at all. I always stick to third person now.
Posts: 10
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 2:38am
Well i rp kind of compo of both i would think bit for me in first i just find to rp in first easier for me to 'express' what I'm trying to get across
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 3:08am
And yet the entire thread has been conducted in the first person...


I utilize both depending on the theme I am trying to convey. Although I try to keep away from describing what goes on here as "play".

First person, I find, is best for any true "Role Play" arc as, noted by it's name in genre, it is better suited to describe the emotions and actions of the character; "I". I find it humerous that people would advocate thrid person for the purposes of Role Play, being as, coming from the realm of Table Top and MMO; Role Play tends to indicate the posession of a single role. Thus; in making use of Third Person perspective there is unfortunate wiggle room for 'players' to describe the results of their actions as applied to others. It is interesting to me that many communites then choose to encourage members to use Third Person. Third person perspective has the advantage, however, of being the most commonly employed writing style which is generally condusive to community interaction.
Posts: 43
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 3:12am
Beff Pike
And yet the entire thread has been conducted in the first person...


Well, if you want Kallan to be really annoying, Kallan can be annoying and use third person.
Posts: 257
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 3:13am
1st person always has seemed to be harder to describew and do without all of a sudden switching to 3rd person. Plus i've only read a few books that weren't in third person.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 3:22am
Beff thinks that everyone should post in the first person for the rest of this covorsation. But what Beff says, rather then what he is thinking, he voices his opinion that, "all your base are belong to us!"
Posts: 19
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 3:33am
Van Pax finds writing like this in this setting very odd. So he will say one more thing in 3rd person and then switch. "My name is Methos." Heh.

~Van Pax
Posts: 12
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2007 3:46am
Kallan Hurn
Well, if you want Kallan to be really annoying, Kallan can be annoying and use third person.

LMAO! Good one Kallan, Bellator laugh hard.

You too Kax, nice quote you got there