Your Preview To Apparitions
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: May 2 2004 3:25am
We're Stuck Inside Our Own Machine

Don't know how all of this is going to tie together? Don't know who is going to be in it? Don't know what the @#%$ is going on? Here is your official guide of things to come and people to look for.

The Plot So Far

In the past, a broken lawyer on the isolated world of Utropollus is accused of a brutal rape and murder ten years ago. A mysterious corps is founded on another isolated planet half a galaxy away.

In the present, Simon Kaine anticipates a coming danger while the Viscount Del Forza has been summoned to Jutraal, along with Telan Desaria.

In the future, a Star Destroyer with Simon Kaine and the Regent Daemon Hyfe aboard explodes and the Empire is thrown into chaos as her most powerful dominion, the Bastion Conclave, falls into some unknown disaster.

Dramatis Personae


Regent Daemon Hyfe - Leader: The New Order (NPC)
Grand Marshall Simon Kaine - Leader: TNO Military Forces (PC)
Governor Theren Gevel - Leader: The Bastion Conclave (PC)
Governor Lupercus Darksword - Sith, Leader: The Corellian Protectorate (PC)
Viscount Del Forza - Grand Admiral, TNO(PC)
Admiral Chandler - Ally of Simon Kaine (NPC)


Venn Macbeth - Lawyer: Government (NPC)
Shivel - Lawyer: Government (NPC)
Thom Wyat - Lawyer: Vexan Corporation (NPC)

Characters To Come:

Karrix Moraei - Wouldn't you like to know? (PC)
Admiral Telan Desaria - Commander: First Imperial Star Destroyer Squadron
Commodore Trachta - Leader: Mid-Rim Protectorate (PC)
Commander Cilliun Velus - The New Order (PC)
Sam Carter - Smuggler (PC)
General Grievous - Black Dragon Empire (PC)
(?) Admiral Bhindi Drayson - Leader: The Yaga Minor Protectorate (PC)

What is to become of Macbeth? Will the Empire decline into chaos and be destroyed? Wait and see, @#%$.

Those of you who KNOW what is going to happen, keep it to yourself, and don't spread that outline I gave you around.
Posts: 1109
  • Posted On: May 2 2004 9:16am
cool. I look forward to reading more.
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: May 3 2004 4:52pm's Koortyn. I know, the AIM name throws people off.

I look forward to being a part of it.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: May 3 2004 6:13pm
Ill play catch up when Telan starts posting...
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: May 3 2004 8:15pm
And I as well, look forward to this. Ideas are already spinning in my mind about it.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 12:00am
Was I (covertly) invited to participate in this roleplay, and turned down the oppurtunity?
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: May 4 2004 7:15am

Characters to join (in my plotline):

The Empire

Azrael Zell: Grand Moff, Retired, (PC though being used as an NPC in this one)
Ysanne Isard: Director, Imperial Intelligence (NPC)
Seamus Arliss: CEO: Arliss Industries Intergalactic and Subsidiaries (PC)
Jenice Arliss: Daughter of Seamus Arliss and CEO of Arliss Towers: Muunillist
Mr. Conrad: CFO: Arliss Industries (NPC)
Ciscero: Imperial Intelligence Agent (PC)
Gordon Sveli: Captain, RSD Galactus (NPC)
Captain Quinn: Shroud Command, Line Captain (NPC)
Captain Merrik: Captain ISD Insidion (NPC)
Groder Stu: INS Writer and Correspondent, Ministry of Propaganda (PC)
Gustinius Drevel: Imperial Engineer (PC)
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Jun 25 2004 8:13pm
Sorry to bump this, just wondering if anyone was waiting on Grevious and me to finish our little thing. I don't want to hold up the story but I think others can post without our part getting messed up, since the story seems to be bouncing around anyway.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Jun 25 2004 10:20pm
You are not holding up my part. I slowed down a bit so as to not run ahead of everyone else.

But I am currently working on 4 posts for this. They each will be posted this weekend at different intervals.