With regards to the MAP
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 1 2005 1:21pm

Damn that makes me feel really small and surrounded (as well as ruining all my plans).
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 1 2005 3:41pm
Hehehe, don't worry Jan, I have a plan...

Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 1 2005 5:14pm
Yeah I have a backup plan to, but it won't adress the situation in that area.
Posts: 10
  • Posted On: Feb 1 2005 6:47pm
And so do we...

Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 1 2005 8:12pm
Damn, that sucks. Of course my plan doesn't directly affect BDE.

Dolash, I think its time to move the capital to a new location. Preferably a none hidden one(which means not Azguard). Got any good ideas?
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Feb 2 2005 12:03am
Because I'm too lazy to look... The one planet I give two shits about, is it on there? I'm talking about Mandalore/Concord Dawn. Is it on there? Oh, yeah... Anzat too, is it on there?

Nasty gnatz.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Feb 2 2005 12:24am
I have a question. For BDE's block, it shows that your extended right from the Centrality to the edge of the galaxy (right near Mon Calamari). I was wondering if you actually owned any planets in that area (beyond the ones that are in the Centrality) or if you just extended the thing to make it look cool. Because I was planning on making up a bunch of planets in that area and taking them, but might not do that if you control quite a few planets in that area.

If I understand Jan correctly, he's asking: why is the map of BDE one way instead of the other? (see attached)

Everything that is highlighted is under our direct influence and control, as well as being patrolled by the BDE

By Grev's answer, there must be more planets on BDE's manifest than are being shown and these are probably going to be placed in that big area where you see no planets shown.

Please know people that this map is not complete, as Grevious stated. There are TNO worlds not listed that we need to get to him for addition. Comments on the map should be reserved until everything's been added.

So no need to change plans just yet, Jan. Just wait until the thing is complete.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 2 2005 1:08am
Anzat is on there, Beff. IIRC, check by the Corporate Sector, in that area. Maybe a little down and to the left.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Feb 2 2005 1:12am
Thank you kindly. Turn on your chatty device, I'll be back and online soon.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 2 2005 1:13am
Azguard is the perfect capital! It's secret, and hidden! Anyways, if you wanted to move it you'd have to file a motion and then build an alliance of representatives to pass a bill, and that's only after it makes it through buraucracy, and then probably a public refferendum...