<a href="http://funwavs.com/wavfile.php?quote=1424&sound=52" target="_new">http://funwavs.com/wavfile.php?quote=1424&sound=52</a>
Why the GC lost the War
Is this really necessary?
Yes. It is absolutely necessary.
I agree with the Damned...
That was actually quite good.
Dolash man... we should talk about you sometime...
go ahead, but it's a hilarious quote. I love space balls, who doesn't?
Spaceballs is good, but I wouldn't say that our mistakes were the only reason why we lost. However, I'm willing to ignore those other reasons.
"Because good is dumb."
*Reviews battlefields.*
Damn, he's got us there.
*Reviews battlefields.*
Damn, he's got us there.