Who won?
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 3:44am
Right. It disburses the damage over a larger area instead of one small area. Causing less likeliness of a nuclear winter. And, as I said, can save lives in the long run.
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 3:47am
But since it's not the actual impact but the shockwave of that impact more lives would be saved because the shockwaves would be smaller.

If the whole 8km thing hit than their would have been one huge tiadal wave.

But know there was say one hundred smaller waves. They'll just flood the same area more often. And it's the surface area that impacts the water that matters. And it would be more likely to break up along vertical lines.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 3:50am
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 4:22am
And no Nuclear winter because no dust.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 4:24am
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 5:07am
OMGWTF who cares.

They're make believe people.

He's free to make believe they survived.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 5:09am
That's what I do. Otherwise I'd go crazy, and probably seriously injuer myslef.

*EDIT* I don't mean I'd whack myself with anything, I mean my head would explode when trying to understand.
Posts: 405
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 5:24am
There's dust at the bottom of the ocean, Marth. At the speed the SSD would be travelling, it would (in all liklihood) still kick up a dust storm, albiet a bit smaller.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 5:26am
Ocean's are extremely deep. And dust kicked up in an ocean typically just makes the water very dirty.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 5:48am
Odds are it'd slow down long before it reached the bottom of the OCEAN.