I hope for peace, but come on, you guys are evil. What are the odds you'll say "Hell, screw it, let's be friends." I'd love it if you did. Galactic peace would be a kick-ass role-playing environment, think how much more important force wielders and characters would become? No more bickering over fleet rules.
But it remains that we are the good guys, you are the bad. That means you will see all signs of friendship as weaknesses, and we will just have to sigh and keep trudging onwards.
This may sound sad, but the whole reason I stay here is because we are the good guys. This place has an unusual good-to-evil ratio, and I know that if I didn't help I'd feel guilty. Hell peace would be great, because then I could work on my group's history. Maybe we'd settle down, hold elections, become peaceful, fill tomes with peaceful tales of merriment and understanding, go back to bravely exploring the galaxy, who knows?
So that's why I am saying we are the good guys. You can trust us because to be good is to be trustworthy. Accept our offer, seek peace. Find understanding and tolerance at last, end the war. Scrap the warships, send the men home, let us live in peace so that you too may live in peace. Ask for nothing in return and we shall ask for nothing either.
Because otherwise this will never end. We have drive, we have zeal, you have ruthlessness and ambition. If we fail we'll only reform and fight again. If we get lucky and win you shall only return under a new name. Please, join us. Together we will see peace and serenity engulf the galaxy, and we shall all die when the time comes with clear conciousness.
Slipped IC there for a while... sorry... but I stand by my point.
Dude, where have you been? Perhaps you don't grasp something here, but evil wins a lot more often than you would like to apparently think.
As for the you bad, we good thought; that is only your point of view. Ever thought TNO might be the actual good guys here? Afterall, the Empire was formed from the original government of the galaxy. We are the official government. You all in the GC are rebels against the main government in the galaxy. Ever considered the fact that you all might be the real evil ones?
But besides that, peace wouldn't work. ~looks over at ORS without commenting~
Technically, the only truly sovreign governments in the TRF galaxy are Hapes, TNO and SI.
All believe in racial superiority, have societies based around power and its maintainence (through whatever means necessary) and have no real belief in a 'lightside, darkside' set of guidelines, but simply realpolitik.
Yeah, but we're fighting the Empire, and one only has to look through all the sneaky little propaganda and twisting of words to spot that they are evil. We are not. Wether they 'believe' that they are good or not is irrelevent. I consider myself worthy enough to pass judgement, as indeed they consider themselves worthy enough to judge others. Come on, your little "point of view" is just a veil. YOU know the Empire is evil. I know the Empire is evil. You cannot hide it, because it is true.
And Telan? Good loses, I know, but I still believe that in the end, and I mean THE END, good will triumph. It may lose this war but it will linger and fight again. It may lose that war too, but good itself is indestructible. Evil is not. When the last battle rages in the galaxy, it shall be good who triumphs.