Upheavel OOC
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 8 2004 10:13pm
Are you sure the VSD is an NPC?
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Feb 8 2004 10:27pm
Its all RP!!

Everything involved is NPC.

All the ships, the factories the people.

And Kraken your guess for a motive is also incorrect. :p

I believe i can ram stuff NPC. It doesnt affect anybody, and just was a better use of IC storyline.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 8 2004 10:33pm
So the Victory destroyed was real?
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Feb 8 2004 10:39pm
Such a load of whiny-ass crying I've never seen. Come on guys, just drop it already. Are you all so stuck in your hyper-competitive war mode that you can't just RP anymore?

That facility is unused and nobody ever goes near it. It was quite pointless of you.
I thought TTR was in the lightside links? Doesn't that mean that it's a "free" society? One of the aspects of free markets is that you don't get to dictate every single business that exists in your society. Who is to say private corporations don't operate one of the droid foundaries?

Or is TTR really an oppressive regime that regulates the markets? I smell a Theren Gevel INS special.

I'm just guessing but I think it's Kas or Ren or one of those Anthos guys.

I'm guessing this is a RP to make all the current peace treaty's invalid.

Ramships are NOT allowed. nor is RAMMING.
Wrong. Ramming is disallowed only in fleet RP, for fairness reasons. The man is attempting to start an RP. Let him do it.

Look, everyone just stop being such crybabies. Brutus wrote a damn good opening post. Stop bitching and play the game.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Feb 8 2004 10:40pm
No. (to kraken)

I used my terminology incorrectly.

I meant NPC- as opposed to OOC.

The VSD is not real.

The Ramship is not real.

It was all for storyline purposes. Nothing is truly OOC effected.

I have edited for clarity above.

Thank you Gash for your support..
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 8 2004 11:09pm
I was wondering what you were talking about. Ok then, I'm cool with it. Good writing, BTW.
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 6:46am
Sorry, no "ORS markings and ID codes" I am quite busy right now, and I am in no @#%$ mood to play little games, Nogoth.

Honoghr is a closed world, and NO 'private corporations" are allowed to do business there. So, edit all mention of ORS out of the thread - because no one will be replying to it, and everything you did was wrong.
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 6:58am
Have proof of this?
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 7:00am
Dude, Honoghrs always been a closed world except to the Empire when they owned it.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 7:11am
Okay, so, like, always then.