Uh, about Thisspiass
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 11:21am
I would like to help, but at the same time I am not exactly sure how I do so. Should I post directly into the takeover about supporting arriving? Would that be ok? If Coalition ships filled with supplies and personnel arrived, that'd be fine?

If so, I'll get started immeadietly. And I would also request that there be none of the whole "OMG, the Coalition isn't helping so they're evil!" posting just yet, since I'm trying to enter the thread but I was unsure how to do so appropriately.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 7:23pm
So...anyone have any suggestions?

Might I also add, I have noticed that there is a takeover in Druckenwell in progress - If I may, I would like to write that a GNN correspondant was nearby and reports the incident to the News Network.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 7:41pm
I think your just supposed to jump in and go with it. Same thing for the Druckenwell takeover. Much like what TNO did with the Roche Asteroid Belt takeover, except for we aren't worrying about taking either of them.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 11:47pm
Yeah. You can write yourself in in whatever fashion you think is best... sending a diplomatic, sending aide directly, whatever...

Just remember that once we're in the same place (i.e. if you send a convoy to Thisspiass) regular player engagement rules take effect.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 8 2005 11:54pm
Got it.

*is now in-system*
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 15 2005 10:48am
For the record: Since Coalition aide workers were not only invited, but were actually ON THE PLANET (and thus would take orders from us, not the Empire or it's army) I would have - previous to my new stance - done something on Thisspiass.

However, I don't do that any more, so I won't. Carry on.