Well when considering when we are, 42 IE, is rather full, so I'd say we should end that off with the Jihad beginning and then ending and 43 IE starting off with BDE announcing the end of their expansion and the failed "Holonet Accords" with GC. Also the Roche situation would happen around here.
Then from what I understand Drayson's thread about the space station at Roche is currently 1 year following the Roche takeover (bringing us to 44 IE) and still before Kashan exists as part of GC.
So Kashan existing would at least be into 44 IE.
A very basic start that can be used or not.
[font=Book Antiqua]Black Dragon Empire's "Jihad" begins[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Black Dragon Empire's "Jihad" ends[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]6 NIE (taking into account we went from 3-5) (43 IE)[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Black Dragon Empire Declares Closure of Borders[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Two Days Later Jan Dondana and Heir Raktus sign the "Holonet Accords" over the Holonet, a peace treaty which is then made void by Prime Minister Regrad[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]The galaxy tenses for a Coalition Civil War or a BDE/Coalition War which does not emerge[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Thisspiass - something about natural disaster and GC going to help but TNO militarily occuppying the system [/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]A GC envoy to the Roche Asteroids is interrupted by TNO fleet, which is matched by a GC fleet. Roche joins GC, both factions build space stations at opposite sides of asteroid belt[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Jan Dondana travels to Onyx and convinces Joren Logan to join GC and help train new recruits and secure the area of space around Onyx from mercenaries[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Prior to his visit to Joren, Jan pushes a military restoration bill through the GC Ruling Council and this bill is the buidling point for the future restructuring of GC's military and funding for military academies and the Second Wave ships. Regrad announces the formation of the White Knights under his command and the formation of the Onyxian Commonwealth and its elite fighting group, the Praetorian Guard
[font=Book Antiqua]Onyxian Commonwealth quickly expands[/font][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Panacea Project is developped[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]The Cren on Farquak and Farquak Junior rebel against the Empire and join with the Cren on Sapuni as well as on Gernon to form the Cren Alliance and join the Coalition[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Lorize, following a lengthy Imperial blockade, votes to join TNO to stop the blockade[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Abregado-rae also chooses to join TNO and leave GC[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][/font]
And other stuff, but thats a start, though entirely Coalition related.