Posted On:
Jul 2 2007 2:17pm
I'll be posting in Naboo tomorrow, as I'm rushed today/tonight with an Assignment that's due; and it turned out to be a little bigger than I first thought, so I'm rushing and haven't had a break in almost 4 hours... good times.
Feels like High School all over again, heh.
None the less, I will post tomorrow after class.
Posted On:
Jul 2 2007 10:06pm
You don't love me any more.
Posted On:
Jul 2 2007 10:39pm
You don't love me any more.
Posted On:
Jul 4 2007 5:40pm
I'll have to post sometime today.
Classes have been a bitch, and an asshole lecturer (who caused me to lose two weeks worth of classwork access) has only given me an extra day to catch up on what I couldn't finish for an assignment... Dumbass forgot to tell Tech Support about my failing (class) computer, despite me reminding him multiple times.
So, once I get that done, I'll reply to you Zark.
Apologies for the delay.