Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:14pm
I disagree.
Alcohol + internet = bad
Drugs + internet = interesting
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:20pm
Ya drugs + internet could equal something funny... I'd like to see someone totally fried get on and start posting that would be hilarious.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:35pm
Plus symbols + minus symbols + stupid equations = ImmaFagOmgWTF!? :p
Drugs are bad, mmkay?
I'm back now, btw. So I'll be catching up on me RPs after some sleep.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:36pm
If we've learned anything from Theren, drugs+internet=fun!
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:51pm
Have a nice nap :D
Personally, when I get back from "yeshivot" ("yeshivot" - where orthodox jews study torah and such, also known as when my friends and I get together to smoke) I usually sit for a few hours on the internet.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:53pm
I can think of a long list of entertaining things to do while high. Posting on a Star Wars internet forum does not factor high on that list.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:56pm
Ya, but when you go read it when you come down then you'll probably laugh your ass off at what you posted.
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:58pm
Nooope. I've posted/chatted to people while I was drunk. They usually find it funny, but I just find it embarrassing :p
Posted On:
Jun 9 2005 4:59pm
I want to trip on shrooms and record myself. I've heard it can be rather hysterical.