To spare the vanquished and to subdue the proud...
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Jun 12 2005 1:42am
(Spoilers ahead for anyone reading these RPs)

With regards to these two roleplays...

Some of you might be familiar with some of the websites out there that credit this as the Imperial moto. Not terribly realistic, from a RP standpoint, but it does sum up TNO policy in more ways than one.

Anyway, given the recent interuption of said RPs and the divergence of their storylines, there's a few things I wanted to make clear. I had intended this to be a little retrospective post-RP, but it's up in the air whether that will ever happen, or whether this will still be relevent when the RPs are done.

So, without further ado:

1) To spare the vanquished...

It was an open RP, and I invited the GC to participate. I look forward still to completing this RP, and I hope it will continue to be enjoyable. This RP is, and will continue to be, an RP exploring the public reaction to disaster and how society deals with it. To this end, I need to speak with Dolash about the GC involvement.

2) and subdue the proud...

Was intended to be closed. I'm well aware that one cannot "close" a takeover RP, as they are always subject to interference... but TRF has (it would seem) an unwritten policy of respecting another writer's story as much as possible. Hence why takeovers are rarely interfered with, and RPs not marked "open" are not simply dropped in on (for the most part - everyone makes mistakes).

Like the other, this RP is an explortation of society. In particular, it looks at the relationship between media and government. Those of you who have studied the Spanish-American War might remember that the war was largely started because the major US newspapers pushed for war, rallying the people around it, forcing the government to go to war. That's one argument, anyway, some people disagree. But there's no denying the media plays a major role in the actions of government.

To this end, if you've been reading the roleplays, you'll notice the interludes. I can only suggest you take a look at the page references for now, as that should be a clue as to how the media looks at the events of the RPs.

I hope to see these roleplays to their conclusion as I had planned. Whether they will be finished or not remains to be seen, so if not here's (in a nutshell) what is supposed to happen story-wise.

1) Thisspiass is devestated by the disasters, and receives aide from the galactic community. However, as the disaster fades from the headlines the aid supplies dry up, leaving a devestated community half-repaired. The Empire steps in once the worst is over, rebuilding Thisspiass to their uses. Pretty straight-forward, really. But very grim.

2) The Empire, through the media, links Contruum's government with the terrorists. The people of the Empire demand vengeance, and the Empire reluctantly agrees and annexes Contruum. They install a new government, which decides of its own accord to apply for membership in the Empire. I was going for something really subtle on the part of TNO with this one.

Yes, if you're asking, these RPs are influenced by real life... the first one draws largely on the Rwandan genocide and to a lesser extent the Boxing Day Tsunamis. The second draws on my experiance watching the US justify invading Iraq.

If anyone has been reading, thanks for doing so, hopefully you'll get to see the rest of the story unfold. If not, I hope you found the premise interesting at least.

Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 12 2005 2:14am
I apologize if my interruptions have caused you personal discomfort, and upsetted you for disrupting your story, but I see this place as a roleplaying-style environment before a story-telling environment, meaning I am ready and willing to do things that others might personally not like towards the completion of my character's goals.

Interesting concepts, however, and would certainly make good reading, if they were in an environment where the outcome was unimportant to anyone else.
Posts: 313
  • Posted On: Jun 12 2005 2:14am
Wow both seem well thought out, I have read what has come (so far) of subdue the proud and I am enjoying it thoroughly.