Posted On:
Dec 3 2004 6:16pm
I am not going to list every friggin takeover of the Tion. Just those that IC do something of internal importance (ie: General Grevious becoming Pope or something after takeover), as for Kessel (the merging of Farfalen and BDE would be of internal importance of which, I guess, Kessel would play a part perhaps). Elimination of Tholatin Protectorate, yes.. yes.. that would be what I am looking for.
For TNO we are not going to list every takeover.. just those that have some greater impact than simply terroritory expansion.
This is a timeline for TRF universe so not every little detail (at first) do I want to list.
Posted On:
Dec 3 2004 6:26pm
Well, there was the Trade Federation and the Sovereign Chiss Empire (probably the most influential two), The Divine Order, Leviathan Corporate Industries and The New Republic, The Sith Empire in which Nelix Galdra was the Dark Lord of the Sith for about a week before he was raped. If I think of more, I'll edit again.
Posted On:
Dec 3 2004 6:35pm
That, of course, was when he was known as Xilen, rather than Nelix. Buggered shapeshifters.
Posted On:
Dec 3 2004 8:57pm
Hm, so, Omnae, need anything in particular from the Coalition? Should I post a list here of all our most significant roleplays?
Posted On:
Dec 3 2004 10:18pm
That depends, Dolash.
Is the sky blue?
Posted On:
Dec 4 2004 1:05am
Dolash for us I think the most important ones are going to be the merges. And key War threads (the key one would be Corellia, beyond that most weren't that great). For ORS, I'm not sure. Perhaps if Logan is still kicking around he can give us a bit of information on what ones he thinks are key threads.
Band of Brothers (New Rebellion, MCR and AGM merge)
http://therebelfaction.com/forums/showthread.php?t=984&highlight=Band+Brothers Other threads to come.
Posted On:
Dec 4 2004 1:29am
Even the fallen groups rp's ... or groups that were merged out of existence.. if there was a "grand" rp that you feel is pivotal to TRF history.
Dolash, I have your thread linked on my IE favorites.. but if you could highlight your pivotal threads that'd be great. If you just aren't sure, throw the thread in there but give me a one line synopsis.
War/battle threads are good. But with so much information, I am going to do a basic timeline first. And then get more detailed (perhaps adopt different formatting to include as much as possible).
An idea I am toying with (seriously) is doing a commentary on the GC/TNO/ORS/BDE War.
Strikes, counter strikes, highlights from the battles, what commanders could have done better (even TNO commanders), or even, what may have happened if the battle went differently.
Perhaps do some Dolash-esk illustrations on formations found within the rp..etc..
Depending on how this one turns out... I might even go back to the Empire Strikes Back Campaign against Fearson's Death Star and do the same thing.. or other major conflicts involving multiple groups.
I am looking for black and white "symbols" for your group. (ie: the Imperial logo, Dragon Logo).. what logo does GC use? (suppose they don't have to be black and white but I want something simple as these icons will be small on the timeline). Any group logo's are welcome.
Another project idea:
Any threads whether OOC or IC that contain information about the species of the TRF/SW universe would be great.
Posted On:
Dec 4 2004 1:43am
Here is our symbol for your use:
Threads will be coming soon.
Posted On:
Dec 4 2004 1:49am
I don't think we have one. I could be wrong. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Orthrwise I'll try to think one up.
Posted On:
Dec 4 2004 1:51am
*rubs hands together like Mr. Burns*