I do have ideas. I'm on AIM most days (invisible, so message me if you get on). I don't have much time either, as I indicated above, but we can certainly plan for how things will go when I get back.
Om, I wouldn't mind you getting in on this, too, with Simon and/or Malice. Anybody else wants in, well, the more the merrier...unless Irtar stops posting...
Well, Ahnk and I just started talking about the Cree'Ar war and I wrote a partial outline of how I thought it might go (which included significant changes to the Empire) to which Ahnk replied about having the start of the war begin with what he and you (Wes) were planning. I remembered that you had plans with Ahnk but I did not know the details (or maybe I just don't remember) you guys ironed out.
A lot of that changed when Park suddenly ordered me to the Unknown Regions. I think the Cree'Ar War stuff that Ahnk and I were talking about would have to be after Wes has asserted control of the Empire.
Or that could be his in. We could put those plans into motion, having Wes clearly violate a directive from the current Emperor, then when Park or Kach move to have him arrested and punished, he pulls an end run and usurps the throne, driving Park and Kach into exile.
My internet will be spotty until August 5th. Time Warner came by to hook up my house but then said some tree branches were in the way. I cut them down and now they say they cannot be back until the 30th of July which is when I'll be out of town. So I told them to hit me up the 5th.
Until then, I do internet stuff at work..
Well, as for the war, here are some ideas I had...
Cree'Ar attacks on force users remains at the fore:
Cree'Ar attacks are massive things with intent on overloading and hammering enemy to bits. Not so much looking to conquer as much as destroy enemy abilities.
High Profile Attack #1. Hit Ossus (win/lose?)
League of Nations go to war with Cree'Ar. While those high profile attacks are going on, smaller Cree'Ar fleet maneuvers within the interior of galaxy cooercing, intimidating or persuading peoples to join their Dominion.
Republic continues it's fight with Reavers drawing it further from Cree'Ar war despite Gree warnings.
High Profile Attack #2. Hit Confederation (take Kashan) - Confederation program of making regular people into force users a potential problem Cree'Ar would like removed. Confederation declares war on Cree'Ar.
Onyxian Liberation Movement joins Cree'Ar like Corellia expecting Cree'Ar to remove Palestar and Imperial presence. Republic, Jedi et. al investigating Reavers search abandoned BDE space and located Cree'Ar bases (material worlds).
High Profile Attack #3. Hit Azguardia (cut Azguard System off from rest of Coalition) and brings Coalition unilaterally into the War.
This attack draws focus from interior fleet which moves it's small group of "allies/subject people" into an attack on Vladet smashing what little order is left for the Empire. The fleet scatters and the Empire falls apart as it's worlds try to adjust.
Counter Strike and the Rise of Telan Desaria
Telan becomes the remaining solvent force of the Empire and the last Grand Admiral based on Onyx.
Confederation has been devestated by Cree'Ar seizing Kashan to keep them off balance and out of the main fight but have been gaining small victories hoping to consolidate their materials for a larger strike but still defensive actions.
LON, Republic, Coalition, Confederation, Enclave and Imperial Remnant meet. Alone, each is teetering near brink of falling like the Empire. Together?
This is where all information from these groups is put together and they discover the massive hyper/transgalactic gate that Raktus used to go to Cree'Ar galaxy.
Telan Desaria proposes to strike the Cree'Ar on their own turf, a hammerblow against the Cree'Ar capital world of their own. Regrad volunteers to lead what is left of the Azguard Fleet to attack Ardor (or whatever world is the Cree'Ar homeworld now).
The attack is launched to seize the gate.
Republic & Co. seize the transgalactic gate(s) found within Cluster that is home to Dameo (location given to Republic by Jade Darklighter (Gue's sins come home to nest))..
Azguard led fleet go through and the attack is on...
Some bru-ha is going on in Cree'Ar galaxy in Cree'Ar homeworld involving quite a few subject races. I would suspect with most of the arbiters in Corsca galaxy, such displays of power by Cree'Ar are required to keep subject races in line. Regrad and company disrupt that but the force is bigger than the allies can handle and so must move off but not without setting some precidents with Cree'Ar Dominion. Now, the allied fleet must be found and destroyed quickly lest the face of Cree'Ar is lost more. Regrad's plot is to stay alive as long as possible.
In Corsca galaxy: Dominion hammerblows Capricia and Republic is now at war with Cree'Ar.
Well, that's as far as I got with my ideas... still thinking..
I like a lot of it, there are a few minor issues.
1. We have to include the planned Opening Salvo arc (the one I talked about with you where the Cree'Ar attack five Imperial worlds at once).
2. We have to work in the planned arc I had set up with Wes (Geonosis).
3. Small/big problem:
There was no "gate" so to speak; it was just an artificially created black hole. The black hole itself is still there, but to make your way through to the other side, you'd need an arbiter and a complex understanding of theoretical astrophysics. The trip was one way as well.
I do have another idea though.
As I wrote it in Cataclysm, Raktus' retreat from BDE to Tion Cluster was to convert all/most of BDE holdings into the creation of a large "supergate" (like the Ori space-gate of Stargate SG-1). I wrote your Cree'Ar leaders as seeing the gate but refusing to send Cree'Ar through it because they did not trust the technology of Raktus (other than the Nexus) especially if that technology (derived from Ratkus' mysteri's) takes a person apart and puts them back together on the other side... essentially the Cree'Ar would be placing themselves at the mercy of whoever controlled that technology (in this case, Raktus) and who's to say they would not come out on the other side as Dameun? I was trying to come up with the next logical step for BDE as they use "gates" throughout BDE (at least according to Raktus).
The Cree'Ar ability to travel between galaxies is different and I reflected that in postulating that the trip may take a little longer between galaxies... perhaps Raktus' gate/tunnel/whatever puts out some interference that the Cree'Ar tolerate (for now) that slows travel through their C-conduits?
In any event, I would think actual black holes/C-velocity conduits are Cree'Ar tech whereas BDE is more conventional technology made more advanced. Almost akin to the Nexus but developed along other lines to suit Raktus' "godship".
So, if that was the case, how would Republic & Co. ships pass through Raktus gate/or blackhole if you like when Cree'Ar would not? What prevents them from being turned into Dameuns upon exiting?
That part of BDE that was excluded from going through the gate initially, rejected (as it were) by their god which drove the overriding intelligence quite mad.
I don't have details worked out but Republic, in their fight against Reavers, (at least one Reaver Clan), uncover the connections/come to some understanding/allows both to use the "gate" which sends them to Cree'Ar heartland.
As for your attacking 5 Imperial worlds or story with Wes regarding Geonosis (I don't remember what the story is behind both), that is cool. We can make that High Profile Attack #1 then (if it is the Opening Salvo).
The idea is: Part 1 of the Cree'Ar War story is based in and around these High Profile attacks...that bring (eventually) each government into the war against seemingly overwhelming odds. Part 2 would be these governments coming up with a plan that would surprise the Cree'Ar, namely, when your back is against the wall attack...but strike at the heart which then expands the War to the Cree'Ar galaxy. One of the keys though is not so much the damage the attacks in Cree'Ar galaxy does (physical damage) but the psychological damage in that the subject races of the Cree'Ar are suddenly faced with the piercing of the seeming Cree'Ar invincibility as well as the corruption/hypocrisy their leadership/religious castes overtly display.
The Cree'Ar, shocked at this, attack Capricia and perhaps other worlds in retaliation. I am thinking here (Idea just hit me) of a Cree'Ar/Yuuzhan Vong hybrid being created since the Cree'Ar come to Capricia and there is a Yuuzhan Vong scientist hiding among them waiting.
End Part 2
Part 3, The End would bring in the connections hinted of in other rp's. The Reason the Cree'Ar struck at Coruscant (The device that sees into future, hidden by Kaine, the details of which come out/discovered by Ahnk in Threads). The Gree connection with Cree'Ar and their own war with each other and the Astral Astoria connection are revealed.
From battle on Capricia, Ahnk leads Jedi to Coruscant to destroy/take out the device (Eye of Time? To cheesy?.. lol) and remove the influence/advantage? from the Cree'Ar decision-making (I am not really convinced that such a "god-like" device would be all it's cracked up to be).
Revolution in the Cree'Ar galaxy(ies).
Bothans and others stir up Cree'Ar Corsca allies to switch sides (maybe some of them at least) which give Republic & Co. key victories.
Reavers (those that went) begin to infect the Nexus in Cree'Ar Galaxy.
Danger to Cree'Ar Dominion in own galaxy slows advance in Corusca galaxy.
In the end, a weapon to collapse C-Velocity Conduits and artificial black holes is created and used to which Cree'Ar Supreme Leader in Corusca galaxy must decide to remain and fight a losing war with no more aid or aid his home galaxy to retake the Dominion.
He decides to flee before Corusca governments collapse all conduits for good or dies using up the remaining arbiters under his command.
All governments of Corusca galaxy teetering on falling...cannot fight among themselves anymore and so come together into a greater Republic. The temporary capital would be somewhere else while Coruscant undergoes reconstruction. Nobody will know the fate of the Cree'Ar Dominion ...whether revolution succeeded or failed and how the Dominion will have changed or not changed in the aftermath.
Perhaps some foreshadowing either way here or there...
The Galactus arrives...
The part about entering/exiting the galaxy with Ahnk's/BDE's tech will be hammered out by Ahnk since he's got ideas running around in his head.
Anyway, this does not represent the way the story(ies) of the Cree'Ar War will go but just my initial ideas...