The News and Announcements forum...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Sep 10 2004 3:04am
...has been opened for member posting. There are a few conditions.

1 - This forum is for either TRF or Star Wars specific topics. King George the third could be drawn, quartered, and then barbequed live on the BBC, but it's not newsworthy enough to make it onto our index page.

2 - The forum is moderated. That means each new thread that is started will be examined and then either approved or denied by a Staff member prior to it appearing.

3 - The line for IC news is thin. You can, should you wish, post IC. Just keep it really light, and by light I mean lite. Anything IC heavy or deemed to be more fitting shall be moved to the IC News and Propaganda forum.

4 - So, in short, you can post Star-Wars related news (for us who don't get SWInsider, etc), maybe if you have a really good review of a movie you could post it there too (post in the A&E forum as well, and provide a link). Stuff like that.

5 - Replies are allowed too, those are not moderated.