Kamon, as much as Heir is a complete and total @#%$ right now, I have to agree with him.
What you're doing is basically interfering with another group's takeover. This is no longer an attack, as you no longer hold the planet OOCly. Last I checked, interfering with another groups takeover was illegal.
Fine, and I will god mod the death of all your NPC forces. Why? Becuase Im a shitty roleplayer? No, sorry, I might be but thats not the answer here. No, Id much rather not deal with a roleplayer like you, and am willing to soil my reputation, a bit more than I already have done so, to lose you from my side.
I have no idea where you pulled the 'you can't hinder me' idea from, Gue. Takeovers are open by default for a reason, so people can interfere.
Kamon (or anyone else, for that matter) can interfere and attempt to prevent you from capturing the planet. Kamon has a legitimate reason because he once owned it, and IC, has a little control over the populace. Had he not made that IC News announcement he would still own the planet (In Character), or have influence there.
Because his group is no longer a fleeting group he cannot gain meters from owning a planet, and he can't have the planet listed under his control in the planets list, but he can certainly have an In Character control or presence at the planet.
And no, you could not wipe out all his forces in a single post, that would be godmoding.
Kamon, why you quit fleeting and are now suddenly resisting every takeover is beyond me, I thought you said you were too stressed, or didn't like the OOC..
[edit] Supported by Theren, in a separate thead:
Zark, you might want to read the rules before trying to interpret them. Interfering with takeovers is illegal for the first three, everything after that is open as per planetary takeover rule #2.
In my consideration its God Moding to believe that troops all over the galaxy are still fanatical, to the point of death, over a government that just abandoned them to individual worlds accross the galaxy without transport.
Becuase his group is no longer fleeting, he has no assets at all, whatsoever, his ground units are nothing more than figments, as if a crippled ship from a previous fight were still floating over the world itself.
The planets do. And ever think it might be a ploy in the IC News Forum? It's called propoganda and lies. And I was tired of fleeting, Kas. It's not my forte. I'm good with ground stuff, and TTP is moving along that line of ideas.
And Gue, stop being a complete and total idiot and read what Kas said. And if you note my post in Adumar that was all talking, you'll note the mention of Kamon giving orders to the troops still. And they still listen. I still have troops. The end. Good bye.