There were massive confrontation issues with your first handful of names. When we realized that your Xilen account was so unimaginatively ripped off of your Nelix account (which got banned for shit slinging in OOC and generally being Chaddlike), we got rid of it. There were also numerous sob stories about how you have AIDS because you're a homosexual and how your sister got kidnapped and how you personally captured/saved Jessica Lynch. I can't remember which. All of this is documented in the staff forum archives, which are quite lengthly. We have no shortage of reasons not to want you around. You're being open about having an account that works doesn't change the fact you spent years trying to sneak around and stirring up untold amounts of shit that were determental to the very sanity of the TRF staff, so in short, the answer to if you will ever be allowed back is no.
First of all, I may be a fag, but I would not now nor would I ever claim to have aids. It's a dibilitating and sad disease that has claimed the lives of countless people over the years. Some of those people have been friends of mine and I wouldn't dare joke about having the AIDS virus.
Secondly, my sister was never kidknapped. She ran away from home.
Third, I don't know Jessica Lynch. I believe it was Chadd that claimed he rescued her, something that I laughed at and argued with him about on a constant basis.
Nelix is Xilen spelled backward. I believe I was 17 when I concocted the story of him being a shape-shifter, which I admit was a little far-fetched and stupid. That was a long time ago.
I'd like to see these documented threads where I claimed my sister was kidknapped, or where I claimed I had saved Jessica Lynch. I'd especially like to see ANY proof that I claimed to have the AIDS virus.
This isn't a debate where you can win your way back into the Faction by trying to come up with defenses and counter-points. The feeling regarding Xilen is well established and your iconic record of fucking with the general nature of TRF is so deeply engrained that to have you back in any capacity would steal that piece of ambiance which we have devised to cover up the holes you punched through the wall.
You asked and Ahnk replied. It is not upon us to prove that you are unfit for TRF, that you are a negative influence and that you have in the past Fucked-Things-Right-Up. It is upon you to asuage the concerns of the membership and staff that if we should happen to let you back in you won't cause another mess.
So, getting to the point; why the hell should we let you back in?
I don't see this as a debate. I don't remember doing any of those things, and I'd like to see proof that I did.
As a friend recently pointed out to me, some OOC bickering and a few sob stories (though I don't recall ever claiming such outrageous things) still should not be enough for a life-long ban.
It's not going to break my heart if I don't get back in to TRF and quite frankly, I could care less if I do or not. I'm just interested in clearing up these new rumors and allegations against me.
1. I never claimed to have AIDS. The very idea of that offends me greatly. 2. I never claimed to save JEssica Lynch. I believe you have me mistaken for Chadd on this one. 3. My sister was not kidnapped. She ran away from home for quite some time several years ago.
I believe alot of what I have done to disrupt TRF is mixed up with what Chadd has done to disrupt TRF. Perhaps I could return on a restricted basis until I've regained a little bit of trust?
I have to mention that, though brief, our interaction on AIM earlier did not rally me to your cause at all. In fact, quite the contrary; you seem to be the same old conflicted Xilen I recall from the days of old. You claim not to care one way or the other if you get back into the game but you try with certian vehemency to do just that while, with similar gusto, simultaniously claiming that this is not what you are doing.
I have seen nothing redeeming in you, Xilen and I have to wonder what you could bring to TRF, should hell freeze over, if you were 'allowed' to become a participating member once again.
But I do not wonder too hard, you see, because I really do not care. There are those who seem indifferent and then others on either extreme.