So, Sully, how do you like death served?
Sleeping Death Awakens OOC
with fava beans and a nice Chianti... :b
All joking aside, do you want to go up in a ball of flame, or do you have a different idea?
Ruh Roh shaggy
Contact me on AIM again Dune Buggy, We got this down
Contact me on AIM again Dune Buggy, We got this down
@Gue: What?
Sully, AIM me when you get the chance, preferably today before 3:00 CST, if you can. If not ezIM.
Sully, AIM me when you get the chance, preferably today before 3:00 CST, if you can. If not ezIM.
Talkin about Sully
I'll be online Friday night so either of you can contact me.
will do bub