Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 7:37am
Get yer ass one AIM.

I need an explanation.
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 8:35am
It involves the Japs. That is all I'm at liberty to say. Move along, people. Move along.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 8:37am
Dammit isstal, you just dropped offline...
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 7:39pm
I'll try and catch you on sometime this evening my young apprentice . . .I'll be on quite late tonight.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 7:55pm
It involves the Japs.
I love racial slurs, don't you?
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 8:40pm
Come on, Theren. Just drop it. Do you really HAVE to be an @#%$ in every thread you see? I had no intention of disrespecting the Japanese, but Japs is so much easier to write. Forgive me for being a lazy American @#%$.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 8:49pm
Do I have to be a "@#%$"? Yes, when you use racial slurs, I do, you ignorant little @#%$.

Do you even understand the significance of that word? Do you understand why and when it was used? No, I didn't think so. That's like using the n-word and then saying you had no intention of offending black people. Like it or not, that's what the word is, and it has an ugly connotation.

If you don't know that, then you're an ignoramous. And if I have to be the one to educate you kids, then so be it.
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 9:07pm
Theres a small difference there, Theren. Black people didn't do anything wrong. Americans were just idiots. The Japanese, however, teamed up with the Germans to kill millions of Jews, and thousands of disabled and homosexual people. Not to mention try to take over all of Europe.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 9:29pm
Not to mention Pearl Harbor and most of the South Pacific...
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Nov 16 2003 9:34pm
The Japanese people didn't do anything wrong, rather the foolish people in charge . . .and I think they paid ten fold for what they did, which is more than enough.

Whether they should have had to 'pay' is one entirely different thing altogether.