Jamo! Jamo! Jamo!
Panel discussion IC could be fun...
I might create someone for the occasion.
Griff or I might post as some SNS dude.
Ok, sorry for letting this fall away.
I'll prepare a thread for the IC news and Propaganda Forum, and leave it open ended enough so that anyone who wants to join can do so.
I'll prepare a thread for the IC news and Propaganda Forum, and leave it open ended enough so that anyone who wants to join can do so.
Allright, I posted the thread, if you want to join it just post an introduction of your character as he comes on stage. As Jameson Flint I will ask a question about the war each "round" and those here will discuss it, with plenty of arbitration from Flint and his noisy crowd. Your threads do not have to be long, because when people talk face to face they usually speak in a shorter sense.
Is it a panel discussion or a game show?
LOL! And I can just see the Empire's first post:
Twenty stormtroopers rush in and eliminate all Coalition members.
Twenty stormtroopers rush in and eliminate all Coalition members.
And thus ended Flint's political comentary career
Definetly not a game show.