Operation Home Run (Bakura)
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 4:51pm
Sorry I had exams still do actually.
1. I activated shields first line of post.

2.Except when you're going up against an executor and Imperial SDs 300 or so turbolaser blasts isn't that much. Executor that's about one volley. ImpStar that's about 2 volleys.

3.The whole point of the anti-missile system is to hit the missiles while after they've been launched.

4.Kyric I didn't. I moved a total of 10 ships. Less than 50 miles, They were all in formation together.
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 7:47pm
Okie Dokie.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 8:34pm
Ow. Pwned.
  • Posted On: Jan 27 2004 10:29pm
I'll get to my problems in a while. Have to go study.
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2004 11:17pm
1.As you said in your R&D anybody who couldn't kill a ten meter missiles flying at 100 MGLT deserves to die. You didn't even give me the chance to kill it while it was flying.

2.Your R&D has a droid brain though since it had no description why would it have the ability to do everything without even being launched.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2004 11:21pm
Just mentioning that he deployed it a few posts ago, youve had a couple of posts with which to destroy it...
Posts: 699
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2004 11:23pm
I gave you plenty of time to destroy it. You failed to do so. Your loss.
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2004 11:31pm
1/14/04 9:11 pm
"Whoever is still alive down in weapons, I want you to activate a Devestator. Codes are: Charlie-Tango-One-Fiver-Foxtrot-Jill-Seven-Seven-Zipper. " Zen looked at his first officer.

"One-Two-Three-Four-Five-Alpha-Beta-Gamma." Zen laughed, his code was so simple it was funny.

"Have it ready to fly ASAP." Zen turned to his security officer, "I want everyone armed to prepare for invaders."

1/18/04 9:53 am
The Devestator Missile fell out of the hanger bay, drifting amongst the wreckage with its engines off, possibly to drift away forever. Meanwhile, back on the Zen, Kyric Zen, along with an escort of soldiers moved to find a means of escape. He and his entourage had waited till the remaining survivors left before they even thought about leaving.

1/27/04 12:15 pm
The Devestator's engines flared up into overdrive as the HFS droid brain weaved in and out laser-fire and wreckage. The artifical mind had chosen its target and its course. In mere instants of time it would be over.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jan 29 2004 11:37pm
1.As you said in your R&D anybody who couldn't kill a ten meter missiles flying at 100 MGLT deserves to die. You didn't even give me the chance to kill it while it was flying.

Having read this the day he posted, I confirmed you had had an ample chance to take precautions, as well, since your vessel was already heavily damaged (by your own admission), destroying it didn't seem too far a stretch.

All opinion, mind you.
  • Posted On: Jan 30 2004 12:17am
Heavily damaged? It was like 80% shields active.