Posted On:
Dec 28 2004 5:16am
Just wondering whether i should NPC rp TOO having its defences on planet but powered down or not?
I know i shouldn't, but if Vonta comes back i know she'll rp it as if they were there and suddenly power them up and magically destroy half my fleet.
The only reason i want them to be there is so that if that happens i can already have them targetted so i can send them the way I sent Vonta in Darkside of Democracy...
Posted On:
Dec 28 2004 6:00am
I think I made mention of that in my post...?
The ones on the moon, at any rate...
Posted On:
Dec 29 2004 1:58am
I suppose in all realism, they would either probably put up some kind of fight...or surrender unconditionally.
(Rather than, just sitting there apathetically, scratching their arses)
I've been busy with Xmas recently, though I shall be around the next few days, hopefully.
Posted On:
Dec 30 2004 2:27am
I would think, given what Ive read, they would put up a short but violent fight.
Posted On:
Jan 2 2005 2:42am
Righteo, well in the interests of fairness i'll leave that up to you Seth/SImon.
No worries about the wait, i've been MIA for christmas/new years too.
Posted On:
Jan 4 2005 8:24pm
I can feel a post coming on...
*gets a shiver*
Posted On:
Jan 5 2005 3:01am
hmm, halfway thru post, and I have to go to work...typical.
Ran outta time.
I guess I'll have it up tomorrow.
Posted On:
Jan 5 2005 4:02am
No worries. I'll hold out for yours then.
Posted On:
Jan 12 2005 12:14am
To start with I have issues to disscuss with the Staff over this situation that I meant to cover earlier only could not due to RL circumstances.
Now seeing as we have made considerations in the past for members being attacked due to circumstances and their ability to respond I would like the same done in this case.
You yourself lup have had such situations so there is a precidence already.
That being said I am going to ask that people state at the end or their threads what actions they have taken. Even if it is obvious in the thread it makes it absolutely clear and not subjective in what actions have been taken.
Vinda Please get in touch with me at the old boards or E-mail.