Doesn't matter what world I'm on. If you hadn't noticed most of the thread has taken place in space. AND it's MY thread.
And just because YOU think you're better than me, and I don't care what your lap dogs think, doesn't make you much of anything but a self-absorbed freak on a computer. I'm a freak, yeah so what, but I'm not self-absorbed. The people of WDC are free to RP as they wish. THey aren't lap dogs.
Not Tholatins... they were all captured by TNO and BDE and were either made into political and wartime prisoners and sent to Axxila or became willing BDE citizens and still enhabit a watched over Tholatin. Or are they former citizens of your republic? The worlds you left out on their own suddenly without defense from their enemies. I doubt that even the most diehard citizens would return back to you after that, especially now that you have nothing more to offer them. No, its obviously no group of people from your past. So answer me, who are the people of WDC?
Obviously if you control these people, the group ceases to exist yet, as your still inprisoned and out of contact with the outside galaxy. Without a people to populate it, previous point, it also ceases to be a group with only two people, those not inprisoned.
What have we left Kamon? A woman I believe Kaine captured in his thread and a TJO master? Hardly a group at all. Self-absorbed or not, Im right and your group is without basis, peoples and believability. You'd do good to heed my advice and give up this attempt at 'revenge.' Even your character is living off borrowed time, We killed him when you left, it was my word that that was edited to captured. Not becuase we had to, just becuase I wanted it so. Your character ceased to be your sole property when you cursed us all and claimed to leave for good.
Now be a good little boy and start a new character with a new set of ideals and goals, and if that works out, challenge us then when you come up with a good storyline to do it with. We will be waiting.
Kaine didn't capture her. I spoke with him about it. He didn't even know she existed. Besides, note she was off-world. There's also such a thing as those people that were off-world. Not to mention you failed to read the first post in The Rebirth which explains the people of Alatar Prime. And there's still Cynic and Radon to go along with Amarie. And anyone with will can accomplish things you seem to think impossible. This is RPing. All things are possible within reason and this is far from impossible.
and is far from plausable. Radon is you, therefore im not counting him as a NPC civilian with intelligence and free will.
Offworlders would have fallen in this category. Your no better to them than a president that abandons his country in times of war. I highly doubt that after multiple losses with you in command, multiple times Tholatin has fallen, the many lives lost to your monarchy over the people you ruled that they would so eagerly return to you once you had been captured and imprisoned for life on a prison world well known for people never returning from.
This may be a scifi roleplay, and even the most mind bending things can be made possible. Maybe a single person can destroy a death star, or change the fate of the galaxy. But the position you intend to play and portray is very much unbelievable and at the stretch of the imagination hard to believe.
You never had much of an imagination anyways. And it's quite believable. The true story of Merlin, taken from the movie King Arthur, which is based on scientific proof, Merlin lost countless battle, but did his people leave him? No.