New & Noob
Posts: 12
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 7:44pm
Yeah, I'm like completely new here and all that. The only episode I've seen is III, so I'm not all that much of a Star Wars fan. I'm here in hopes of becoming one though. I've seen bits and pieces of the other movies, but not enough to make me a true fan. Think anyone can help me out here?
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 8:53pm
Well, what do you feel you need help with?

Firstly, I'd say, take the time to watch , AT LEAST, the original trilogy.

but in the meantime, have a look around, read a few roleplays in the battlegrounds, and get a feel of the place.

Then after you've given it some thought, (and perhaps read thru some other peep's character's biographies) create a character yourself.

My advice is, keep it simple, give your character some room to grow.

Posts: 42
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 9:08pm
Wookieepedia helps a lot.

Read as much as you can there. That'll give you background information on a lot of what's happened since Ep III. Also, you should review the TRF Timeline, Rules and FAQ, and, as Seth said, read Battlegrounds threads.
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 9:33pm
I'd echo Seth's advice.

Have a watch of the original trilogy (episodes 4, 5 and 6) to get you in the right frame of mind. You'll rapidly find that things in the TRF universe are somewhat different to how they were in the days of the original trilogy, though.

TRF has its own complex history, made up of work from hundreds of different authors. For this reason, I suggest you leave off writing a detailed character history until you know what you're saying won't interfere with stuff that's already set in stone. Don't worry about making genuine mistakes - people are pretty forgiving - but do do your research and ask questions if you're not sure.

Most of the books (the "EU" series) you can safely ignore, at least for now. I've not read them myself, and it's rarely a problem.

I note you entered a thread in the Astoria and Wes gave you a slap on the wrist for it. Don't worry about it too much, but as he said: It's polite to ask before posting. Why not have a think then start your own thread in Astoria? If you post in the OOC forum saying "I would like someone to write with me in my thread in Astoria" then I'm sure you'll get offers of help!

Since (from your character's profile) I see you're probably more interested in writing from the perspective of the commander of a ship/fleet (a "fleeter" if you will), in terms of battleground posts, I suggest you look up posts by people such as Telan Desaria and Wes Vos.

To get you started, I recommend:

To Burn With a Righteous Anger as an example of a well-written battle.

The Shame Of Glory as an example of a "military" thread with a single author.

These are just two examples of many fine RPs here.

Finally, have fun and if you have any problems then ask! I'll be happy to answer any questions by PM to the best of my ability (and I'm sure the same goes for the others here).
Posts: 12
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 9:59pm
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 10:22pm
Welcome to The Rebel Faction; use at your own risk.

My peers reflect sound statements of advice. Additionally I can think only to offer the following, not in terms of Star Wars the Genre, but in terms of TRF, the forums.

1. Read the Rules & FAQ. When you're done, re-read the same.

2. Ask questions if you have any unsolved.

3. Take a gander at our Timeline, our Planets List and the various Groups & Factions listed and represented here-in.

4. If you still have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. The Administrative team can be reached privately through various mediums, or you can post your quandaries to the general public in the forum best suited to it. Furthermore, the community as a whole tends to be very helpful in terms of helping new members get on their feet - don't be affraid to tap them as a resource.

5. Have fun. This is the most important part; TRF is just a game, a very important game to some, but a game none-the-less. Remember, it's about fun.

Posts: 184
  • Posted On: Jan 3 2008 11:54pm
Welcome to TRF. If you need any help with anything, shoot me a Private Message.
  • Posted On: Jan 4 2008 12:14am
Feel free to ask any questions you have regarding creating factions to me via PM. ;)
Posts: 211
  • Posted On: Jan 6 2008 3:19am
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Jan 7 2008 5:35pm
Welcome. All you need to know is that Han Solo rules. That, and try not to watch the prequels. That is all.