Posted On:
Oct 22 2007 11:52am
I'm still around to the chagrin of many - I shall post when needed. I would know the needed was if Lup would ever turn on his AIM....
Posted On:
Oct 22 2007 5:20pm
I think I'm current in the thread, as far as I know. I'll double check and see if I don't need to spur on some Apprentices.
EDIT: Nope, appears it's my turn to reply to Camiron. I will do so as soon as able, within the next few days.
Posted On:
Oct 23 2007 1:21am
I'll do my best, Lupercus. I'm not too familiar with his character, so I'll try to keep it more on my perspective. I just hope he won't be too pissed when he gets back. In a perfect world, I'd love to finish this thread with him rather than without him.
Posted On:
Oct 23 2007 3:04am
Of course, although ive not seen him on MSN lately hence my belief of his MIA ness.
I'll try and set his charactor up for you in my preceding posts, so that once you take control you'll hopefully have some idea about him. Then again, this does give you the freedom to totally choreograph a fight yourself. Just remember, he's supposed to almost die, not completely die!
Posted On:
Oct 27 2007 2:25am
Just checking up on you, big guy. You still alive?
Posted On:
Oct 27 2007 2:45am
I tried posting on here a couple of days ago but my connection dieded. Anyway, the thread I posted in died right after ... well, my post. So I have no clue what's happening.
Posted On:
Oct 27 2007 3:08am
Blame Beff! If he had posted like he said in palestar then i could have posted there, leading on to this post here.
Plus, its mostly Vance's fault, he still hasn't posted!
And unless you want to Taja, we don't really need you until the end/corronation.
Posted On:
Oct 27 2007 3:12am
I'm not needed ! -tear-
Whatever you think is best. I thought we'd decided to at least write out their initial meeting, since from what I remember that was the entire point of my post. For the sake of continuity, maybe we could each do a couple of posts to flesh that bit out and then I could crawl into hiding until the end ?
Posted On:
Oct 27 2007 3:25am
It's not my fault. :P I'm not holding anyone up, as myself and Camiron are in the process of removing ourselves from Naboo having gotten what was required.