Can I lurk? Please? I'll wear my bubble and bring Hazmat Suits for everyone.
My finale thread
I find this idea awesome and completely support it! Anything I can do or that you'd like me to do I'd be glad to do.
I can think of a few things, all of them hot and sweaty.
I'd love to see one thread, JUST ONE THREAD, be Hetero. I feel that my sexual orientation is being impugned! *huffs, runs off, sues city officials that have nothing to do with it for millions of dollars, then starts his own TV series 'Straight Eye for the Queer Guy'*
...I just realized why I love exploiting America....
...I just realized why I love exploiting America....
Hmmm. Marek has connections to one of the underground Eriaduian Crime Syndicates, perhaps he'd be onboard? If you don't mind. Plus I'm sure he could dig up a Celine Dion CD with "My Heart Must Go On...." :b
Pfbt. Arrogant Worms is so much more A) Better and B) Canadian!
*brings his Semi-Conducted CD*
*brings his Semi-Conducted CD*
Note: The former makes no alusion towards homosexuality any more then increased temperature and perspiration are inherently homosexual.
If you read Gay between the lines, it's all you, baby.
Note: The former makes no reference to this thread in particular. Any reference taken to this thread is all in Beff's mind.
((Two can play that game Beff :yuck ))
Damn. Fuck. Fag!
Now I'm missing Queer as Folk.
All threads will be gay where nerdy nerds gather without enough nerd-loving women to balance the chemical levels.
Not that Damalis can't handle it... Yum!
Now I'm missing Queer as Folk.
All threads will be gay where nerdy nerds gather without enough nerd-loving women to balance the chemical levels.
Not that Damalis can't handle it... Yum!
*mumbles something nice about Damalis*