Posted On:
Jun 8 2010 9:06pm
I have finished 3-4 posts for Cataclysm and working on the last 2-3 (all of which have some progress coming along). They are super long. I should be posting them around Friday (at latest) if not sooner and that will end the thread.
I may post some parts sooner since they span multiple characters. The hard part was coming up with a plot for the Confederation. Corise does not make things easy.
Posted On:
Jun 12 2010 7:22am
You are quite the fan of the interlude, I have noticed over the years
Posted On:
Jun 12 2010 8:45am
I had trouble posting the 2nd to the last post. I've got 2 more to post and they are done.. just got to figure out why I can't copy/past from MSWord and have it show up... :mad
Posted On:
Jun 12 2010 9:26am
It's a formatting problem with the inviso formatting of word. Paste it to Notepad, cut it, then paste it to the board. Usually fixes it for me.
Keep in mind I still have another post (the one you've read part of) for Cataclysm yet, Omnae.
Posted On:
Jun 12 2010 2:32pm
Ahh.. I thought you were posting it somewhere else.
Posted On:
Jun 12 2010 3:04pm
Just saw the new installment.
Posted On:
Jun 12 2010 4:44pm
Let me know when you're done and posted.. I have the last snippet of the Regrad-Vinda post that will wrap it up..